Infocenter v2¶
Releases on the PROD (v2) environment¶
Deployment: 10.03.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
13163 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1210] + [CS-1268] update mapping guidle "weiter Musik" und Route outdorra active | Resolved |
13415 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust the open api definition to the newest state | Done |
13431 | Bug | [CS-1249] Related product not updated (duplicates) | Done |
13443 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1256]: Exclude Gemeindeveranstaltung category from projects | Resolved |
13466 | Bug | Jugendherberge Saignelégier: no french booking link | Done |
13474 | Bug | [CS-1291] Added provider, but does not appear on the website | Resolved |
Deployment: 03.03.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12655 | Product Backlog Item | Redaktionell Empfohlen Handhabung | In Review |
12662 | Product Backlog Item | Rework profile tags | In Progress |
13348 | Bug | [CS-1245] Allow to overwrite the Geo Coordinates in the Planet | Done |
13358 | Bug | Tour SubTrips are not filtered based on project | Resolved |
Deployment: 24.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
13038 | Product Backlog Item | Set main origin based on content | Done |
13311 | Bug | [CS-1235] - Beschreibungstexte können nicht mehr ergänzt werden | Done |
13312 | Bug | [CS-1229] - API Respnse enthält keinen WebBooking Link | Done |
13322 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1220] Hide Contact section in ZHT E-Mail | Done |
Deployment: 17.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12145 | Product Backlog Item | GSZH update api extension foodEstablishments | In Progress |
13037 | Bug | Wrongly set robots on merged documents | Done |
13128 | Bug | Tomas: The product.Geo location moved from areaServed.geo to offeredBy.geo | Done |
13215 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1202] activate translation price information | Done |
Deployment: 10.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12662 | Product Backlog Item | Rework profile tags | In Progress |
12687 | Bug | Adjust amenity feature letter case + fix special characters | Done |
13105 | Bug | 500 Internal Server Error during personalization | Done |
Deployment: 03.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9251 | Product Backlog Item | Configure ALD skipass marketplace including real text and pictures | Done |
12219 | Product Backlog Item | HS Meetingrooms: Map with descriptions from ST venues | Done |
12885 | Bug | [CS-1171] Wrong naming classification | Done |
12929 | Bug | [CS-1169] Missing POIs on Test | Done |
13008 | Bug | Exception while executing function: ContentdeskProductProjectDownload Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found). | Done |
13030 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1179] Type 'SpiritualEvent' entfernen | Done |
13052 | Bug | Contentdesk priceInformation not as excpected | Done |
13059 | Bug | ArgumentNullException in ChangeFeed | Done |
Deployment: 20.01.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12415 | Product Backlog Item | Infocenter connector | Done |
12720 | Bug | Too many projects assigned | Testing |
12770 | Product Backlog Item | TOURIFY: update image and pricing | Resolved |
Deployment: 13.01.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12720 | Bug | Too many projects assigned | Testing |
12721 | Bug | [CS-1148] Manually unapproved products are still in vgl project | Done |
12740 | Product Backlog Item | Add description to project publish rule | Done |
12765 | Product Backlog Item | Add validation for search order by | Done |
12770 | Product Backlog Item | TOURIFY: update image and pricing | Resolved |
12803 | Bug | [CS-1153] - Region Davos Wiesen aus ds_bergun entfernen | Testing |
Deployment: 22.12.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12124 | Product Backlog Item | Extend Tags, Types and Categories with Description | Done |
12143 | Product Backlog Item | GS FoodEstablishments Infocenter Connector | Done |
12633 | Bug | Multiple geoJson links returned on merged tours | Done |
12645 | Bug | InfoSnowDownloadService: There is an error in XML document | Done |
12646 | Bug | The string supplied is too long to be a phone number. | Done |
12688 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust Craft-CMS Connector with moved properties | Done |
Deployment: 16.12.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12150 | Product Backlog Item | HS Meetingrooms in Infocenter Open API | Done |
12561 | Product Backlog Item | NSP proposition: Do not merge Guidle and NSP events and only keep NSP in this case | Done |
12595 | Bug | SchwyzTourismus connector exceptions | Done |
12623 | Bug | Wrong additionalType on craft-cms connector | Done |
Deployment: 09.12.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9251 | Product Backlog Item | Configure ALD skipass marketplace including real text and pictures | Done |
11773 | Product Backlog Item | ZHT - KZH Connector KulturZü | Done |
12547 | Bug | VertexUpdate Error converting value | Done |
12595 | Bug | SchwyzTourismus connector exceptions | Done |
Deployment: 02.12.24
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11773 | Product Backlog Item | ZHT - KZH Connector KulturZü | Done |
12352 | Bug | Not correctly solved merge of youth hostels | Done |
12397 | Bug | [CS-1116] Glarnerland App-Tour ambiguity (duration = time) | Done |
12419 | Bug | SjhHostelsMap ArgumentNullException | Done |
12476 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1120] change of product images | Done |
Deployment: 25.11.24
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12306 | Product Backlog Item | Contentdesk - AVS Objekt ID, price range and labels/awards | Done |
12382 | Task | CTD: Categories are not mapped | Done |
12383 | Task | CTD: Url not mapped | Done |
12384 | Task | CTD: AVS QR Reader (self checkin) | Done |
12385 | Task | Infocenter search: External Ids handling | Done |
12397 | Bug | [CS-1116] Glarnerland App-Tour ambiguity (duration = time) | Done |
Deployment: 18.11.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12303 | Bug | Missing tour state information | In Progress |
12349 | Bug | Sort by scoringReferencePoint is not working anymore | Done |
Deployment: 11.11.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11668 | Product Backlog Item | ST swisstainable connector-update | Done |
11673 | Product Backlog Item | Extend contentdesk connector to support Scopes | Done |
11785 | Product Backlog Item | HS new award 'TOP Ausbildungsbetrieb' | Done |
12131 | Product Backlog Item | Add water temperature to SoSpo connector | Done |
12211 | Bug | [CS-1103] Merged data is not complete | Done |
12220 | Bug | Objects are too big for Cosmos DB (Tomas product) | Done |
Deployment: 04.11.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11431 | Product Backlog Item | Update the D365 Youthhostel connector | Done |
12181 | Bug | [CS-1098] - openingHoursSpecification mit Zeitzone | Done |
12189 | Product Backlog Item | Extend contentdesk connector to import priceInformation | Done |
12191 | Bug | In some cases the continuationToken is not working | Done |
12208 | Product Backlog Item | Extend contentdesk to support potentialAction | Done |
12209 | Product Backlog Item | Extend Contentdesk with publicAccess und isAccessibleForFree | Done |
Deployment: 28.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11962 | Product Backlog Item | HS Descriptions about meetingrooms (general and wedding) | Done |
Deployment: 21.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12144 | Bug | Investigate in Infocenter Storage queue exceptions | Done |
12155 | Product Backlog Item | HS Meetingrooms frontend | Done |
12157 | Bug | Apply standard structure on geojson | Done |
12164 | Bug | Improve category and type mapping by using schema | Done |
12166 | Bug | Check tour cors issue | Done |
Deployment: 07.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12016 | Bug | OUA SkiLift is mapped to place instead of SkiLift | Done |
12025 | Bug | Some webcam link is missing | Done |
Deployment: 07.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11589 | Product Backlog Item | OSM ID import and mapping for ski area | Done |
11630 | Product Backlog Item | Allow to set price range on FoodEstablishments | Done |
11675 | Product Backlog Item | Optimize the update of the state for quickly changing vertex like skislopes and transportation systems | Resolved |
11835 | Product Backlog Item | Extend search with new sort options | Done |
11986 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1075] Contentdesk by TSO Provider for ctd-objects | Done |
11988 | Bug | Contentdesk Product mapping exception | Done |
Deployment: 23.09.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11629 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust guidle connector to inclue top tags | Done |
11675 | Product Backlog Item | Optimize the update of the state for quickly changing vertex like skislopes and transportation systems | Resolved |
11833 | Product Backlog Item | Link similar objects based on a file | Resolved |
11969 | Bug | Geo Property is missing on some Tours | Done |
11973 | Bug | Event ordering is not correct | Done |
Deployment: 09.09.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11802 | Bug | Static map generation service fails in the media service | Done |
Deployment: 02.09.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11368 | Product Backlog Item | Update Contentdesk connector to TSO's newest version in 2024 | Done |
11794 | Bug | [CS-1066] Route shown as closed (missing state) | Done |
11841 | Product Backlog Item | Create custom region for Schwyz and Uri | Testing |
Deployment: 26.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10055 | Product Backlog Item | SZT Connector to Craft CMS | Done |
11372 | Product Backlog Item | Go live CTD 2024 - part 2 | Done |
11453 | Product Backlog Item | HS myAccommoData Meetingrooms | Done |
11522 | Product Backlog Item | Allow to filter bookable objects with the search based on potentialActions | Done |
11640 | Bug | Check main image deletion | Done |
11660 | Product Backlog Item | Complete Skiresort and related object data connectors | Done |
11683 | Product Backlog Item | Improve the implementation of skidata ski-tickets bookings | In Progress |
11739 | Bug | [CS-1059] Merge issue HS-Objects without similarities | Done |
11782 | Bug | [CS-1061] HS-MY: saving tags for "Partner" images does not work | Done |
Deployment: 19.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11369 | Product Backlog Item | Go live CTD 2024 - part 1 | Done |
Deployment: 12.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11672 | Product Backlog Item | Go live CTD 2024 - part 0: 9.08.2024 turn off connectors | Done |
11697 | Bug | [CS-1013] Table reservation availability not cached | Done |
11700 | Bug | Switch description to disambiguatingDescription for SchweizMobil Connector | Done |
Deployment: 05.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11353 | Bug | TimeSpan as an object in OpenAPI docs | Testing |
11423 | Product Backlog Item | SOSPO Connector Summer | Testing |
11523 | Product Backlog Item | Import Guidle Webcams from Schwyz | Done |
11574 | Product Backlog Item | New project for Graubünden Digital | Done |
11580 | Bug | Update demo map scenarios | Done |
11585 | Bug | Import Logo from OUA | Resolved |
Deployment: 29.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11422 | Product Backlog Item | Green-solutions Connector | Done |
11531 | Bug | OuaPoisMap: Sequence contains more than one matching element | Resolved |
11551 | Bug | [CS-1038] Double payment methods | Done |
11552 | Bug | Change geo coodrindate of hotel Bellavista Silvaplana | Done |
11554 | Bug | [CS-1035] Hotelbrand can't be deleted | Done |
Deployment: 22.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11270 | Product Backlog Item | LodgingBusiness: Check-in and -out model extension | Done |
Deployment: 08.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11198 | Task | Create models and endpoints for SkiLift Vertex | Done |
11199 | Task | Add SkiLift and locatedAt to the infocenter search | Done |
11203 | Product Backlog Item | SISAG connector to get Ski Resort detail information | Done |
11205 | Task | Implement the SISAG connector | Done |
11265 | Product Backlog Item | Map Thing.Url from Link with WebHomepage type | Done |
Deployment: 01.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9904 | Bug | Small plugn'roll data improvements | Done |
11348 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the infocenter API response with the Tag Names | Done |
Deployment: 24.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9904 | Bug | Small plugn'roll data improvements | Done |
11182 | Product Backlog Item | Clarify and adjust webcams additional type and urls | Done |
11198 | Task | Create models and endpoints for SkiLift Vertex | Done |
11276 | Product Backlog Item | HS myAccommoData new field 'Barriererfreie Zimmer' | Done |
Deployment: 17.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11198 | Task | Create models and endpoints for SkiLift Vertex | Done |
11253 | Product Backlog Item | NumberOfRooms in Infocenter and myAccommoData | Done |
Deployment: 10.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11217 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1009] Parc Ela: deactivate autmatic project-assignment (grf-pe) | Done |
11232 | Bug | White images after upload | Done |
Deployment: 03.06.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10660 | Product Backlog Item | Connector NOI Webcams | In Progress |
11195 | Bug | EventOccurenceHelper.BuildFullSchedule ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Done |
Deployment: 27.05.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 20.05.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11129 | Product Backlog Item | Add tour length to search | Done |
11132 | Product Backlog Item | ibex: additional award ibex_zero | Done |
10747 | Product Backlog Item | Return translated name in combinedTypeTree Facet | Done |
10145 | Product Backlog Item | Schweiz Mobil (tours) infocenter connector | Done |
11104 | Bug | Weather endpoints doesn't works | Done |
Deployment: 06.05.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 29.04.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10899 | Product Backlog Item | Make tags, categories, awards, areas available for infocenter open projects | Done |
10866 | Bug | Not all features with timerange type have values | Done |
Deployment: 15.04.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10728 | Product Backlog Item | Add support MultiLineString GeoJson | Done |
10770 | Product Backlog Item | Import IMX ProductPrice as Variant on Products | Done |
10624 | Product Backlog Item | New Roundshot Connector | Done |
Deployment: 02.04.2024
- Pictures with a confidence lower than 7 are not returned anymore in the photo array of objects per default in the Infocenter API. To get all photos use the query parameter
. - A combined display text of the copyright information is now available in the
property on the images so that this can be displayed on the front end. This is a simplification because all information is already delivered in the DataGovernance structure of the object.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10713 | Product Backlog Item | Hide images with low confidence in the API response | Done |
10624 | Product Backlog Item | New Roundshot Connector | Done |
10727 | Bug | FRT photos has wrong ordering | Done |
10691 | Bug | Getting all LodgingBusiness with continuationToken fails with 500 Internal Server Error | Done |
10722 | Bug | Images without name | Done |
Deployment: 25.03.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10443 | Product Backlog Item | Return image copyright information from the API | Done |
Deployment: 18.03.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10455 | Product Backlog Item | ExperienceBank Buchungslink für Swiss Activiiteis | Done |
10443 | Product Backlog Item | Return image copyright information from the API | Done |
Deployment: 11.03.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 26.02.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10156 | Bug | [CS-919] Guidle and Events are mixed in a wrong way | Done |
10338 | Bug | 500 Internal Server Error on search (Improve API request validation) | Done |
Deployment: 19.02.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8906 | Product Backlog Item | Feratel: Infocenter connector (accomodation) | Done |
8904 | Product Backlog Item | Feratel: Infocenter connector (lodgingBusiness) | Done |
10258 | Bug | CreativeWork AdditionalType is missing | Done |
10022 | Bug | Event NextOccurrence is not set | Done |
10311 | Bug | WebBooking link is wrong- 2-tages-Wildbeobachtung (parc Ela) | Done |
Deployment: 12.02.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9258 | Product Backlog Item | Import products with prices from Skidata (Infocenter-connector) | In Progress |
10156 | Bug | [CS-919] Guidle and Events are mixed in a wrong way | Done |
10182 | Bug | Guidle: VenueName wrong data | Done |
Deployment: 08.02.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9940 | Product Backlog Item | Add KML and GPX download option to all tours | In Progress |
10100 | Bug | foo_4kq_fjbfdga has empty opening hours (IMX) | Done |
10101 | Bug | loc_4kq_fjbfgeb should has PublicSwimmingPool add type | Done |
Deployment: 29.01.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9829 | Product Backlog Item | Consolidate licenses naming | Done |
Deployment: 15.01.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9940 | Product Backlog Item | Add KML and GPX download option to all tours | In Progress |
9954 | Product Backlog Item | Add potentialAction to Place for linked products | In Progress |
9567 | Product Backlog Item | Data-classification-extension: Categories | Done |
9568 | Product Backlog Item | Data-classification-extension: Types | Done |
Deployment: 09.01.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 29.12.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9355 | Product Backlog Item | GastroSuisse CRM: Infocenter connector | In Progress |
9878 | Bug | Tomas fees are imported twice | Done |
Deployment: 11.12.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9673 | Product Backlog Item | Add facet ordering to the infocenter search | Done |
Deployment: 28.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5001 | Product Backlog Item | Bring api full text search to a user friendly behavior (apply partner portal search knowledge) | Done |
8279 | Product Backlog Item | Connector Ladestationen (plugn'roll) | Done |
9754 | Product Backlog Item | New relation and property parentOrganization for all LocalBusiness to show the membership/affiliation to a hotel group | Done |
Deployment: 20.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9543 | Product Backlog Item | Find available tables with a search query | Done |
9753 | Product Backlog Item | Refactoring AmenityFeatures to support groups | Done |
Deployment: 13.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9783 | Task | Add availability information to th the search result | Done |
9543 | Product Backlog Item | Find available tables with a search query | Done |
9719 | Product Backlog Item | STO Attractions: adjust type mapping | Done |
9767 | Bug | Fix GDL duplicate links | Done |
Deployment: 06.11.2023
- General improvements
Deployment: 30.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9670 | Product Backlog Item | ExperienceBank: AdditionalType check and set default | Done |
Deployment: 23.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9653 | Bug | Failed to Map POI 803311980 | Done |
Deployment: 16.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9630 | Product Backlog Item | Accommodation adjustments in the Partner Portal | Done |
8900 | Product Backlog Item | Extend LodgingBusiness with missing properties for HS | Done |
9310 | Product Backlog Item | STB swisstainable connector | Done |
Deployment: 09.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8903 | Product Backlog Item | Tomas: Extend the lodgingBusiness connector to fit the extended HS lodgingBusiness data model | Done |
Deployment: 25.09.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8902 | Product Backlog Item | Hotelclass: Infocenter connector | Done |
9530 | Bug | GRF: OUA-Mapping "Winterwandern" | Done |
Deployment: 18.09.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9507 | Bug | Missing areas in the fat and lgt products | Done |
9496 | Bug | Product list on the SkiResort is not filtered by the project | Done |
Deployment: 11.09.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9468 | Product Backlog Item | Implement priority queue for important update messages | Done |
9116 | Bug | Ginto classifications are only available for OK:GO data and not Pro Infirmis | Done |
9487 | Bug | Webcams in list on SkiResort is not filtered by the project | Done |
Deployment: 21.08.2023
- General improvements
Deployment: 27.07.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9270 | Product Backlog Item | Be more generous in accepting infocenter update data (Tags) | Done |
Deployment: 10.07.2023
- General improvements
Deployment: 4 7.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9223 | Bug | Image extension is missing on pns data | Done |
9229 | Bug | Missing name for WebBooking links | Done |
Deployment: 26.06.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8927 | Product Backlog Item | Create Data Classification mapping for mein.Toubiz | Done |
9205 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the select property in the search | Done |
9200 | Product Backlog Item | Set booking savognin booking link on guidle events | Done |
9170 | Bug | City Tour Through Zurich by Bus has the wrong AdditionalType | Done |
9127 | Bug | Guidle places without name | Done |
Deployment: 15.06.2023
- General improvements
Deployment: 30.05.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
3282 | Product Backlog Item | Assign areas to all data based on the geo location | Done |
5258 | Product Backlog Item | Cancel an experienceBank booking (free cancellation only) | Done |
9039 | Product Backlog Item | Investigate in search performance | Done |
9067 | Bug | Not all translations are imported | Done |
7112 | Bug | Tours located outside Switzerland | Done |
9044 | Bug | Update type translations | Done |
9093 | Bug | Validate Type and AdditionalType mappings and fix the configuration files | Done |
Deployment: 23.05.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8873 | Product Backlog Item | Parkn'Sleep connector light | Done |
8928 | Product Backlog Item | Validate and test the automatic mapping from Toubiz to table reservation FoodEstablishements | Done |
9060 | Bug | Product CustomerFields are not mapped | Done |
Deployment: 30.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8860 | Product Backlog Item | Set a service, location and containedInPlace (area) on ExperienceBank products | In Progress |
9009 | Product Backlog Item | Use api key instead of credentials to access Lunchgate | Done |
Deployment: 24 4.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8992 | Product Backlog Item | Use compareAtPriceCHF in zh-card Touroperator product | Done |
8979 | Bug | Tomas Data Classification mapping is not working properly | Done |
Deployment: 10.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8937 | Product Backlog Item | feedback and fixes | Done |
8483 | Product Backlog Item | Recommendations/Reviews with links to objects not in our info-center | Done |
8979 | Bug | Tomas Data Classification mapping is not working properly | Done |
Deployment: 03.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8837 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust GDL category mapping until end of march 2023 | Done |
8812 | Product Backlog Item | Import restaurant from mein.toubiz and map them to table reservation places | Done |
8715 | Product Backlog Item | ST OpenData attractions infocenter connector | Done |
8897 | Bug | Audio Object has different structure then Media Objects | Done |
8857 | Bug | Table reservation images upload to the Planet all the time | Done |
4372 | Bug | The weather forecast queried at 02:17 in the morning delivers the weather from the day before | Done |
Deployment: 27.03.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8853 | Product Backlog Item | Change Infocenter project rules to not automatically include new datasources | Done |
8768 | Product Backlog Item | Replace static map system | Done |
8808 | Product Backlog Item | Resmio infocenter connector (restaurants) | Done |
8855 | Bug | Project rule for automatic assignment of CreativeWork items | Done |
Deployment: 22.03.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
Deployment: 27.02.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
Deployment: 20.02.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8757 | Bug | 500 Internal Server Error during search request | Done |
8720 | Bug | Check empty NSP properites on "Projekttag Capricorn" | Committed |
8767 | Bug | Zero price defining from variants for price information | Done |
Deployment: 30.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8154 | Product Backlog Item | Table search restaurants (Aleno, Lunchgate) in the knowledge graph | Done |
8693 | Bug | Null Reference in guidle connector | Done |
Deployment: 16.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8571 | Product Backlog Item | Set Tomas main image during import | Done |
Deployment: 09.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8597 | Bug | Internal Server Error if schema is missing in Authorization Header | Done |
8604 | Bug | Photo array is missing although main image is visible | Done |
Deployment: 26.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8575 | Bug | Change gdl index policy to all instead of noindex | Done |
8567 | Bug | ELibProductsMap mapping error | Done |
Deployment: 19.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8537 | Bug | ParksSwissOffersDownload exception | Done |
8520 | Bug | TOM Info connector: Wrong price in Variant | Done |
Deployment: 12.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8334 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements on parks swiss | Done |
8086 | Product Backlog Item | SJH D365 Infocenter Connector | Done |
Deployment: 05.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8484 | Bug | System.InvalidCastException accessibility.conformance | Done |
Deployment: 28.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8049 | Product Backlog Item | Map skiresort data from Outdooractive | Done |
8156 | Bug | Different font in the property name CombinedTypeTree | Done |
Deployment: 21.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4238 | Product Backlog Item | Boost infocenter search results by affinity -> categories and types | Done |
7250 | Product Backlog Item | Type ahead search functionality | Done |
8383 | Bug | Remove skiPass array if no published products were referenced | Done |
8387 | Bug | Update product context during getting availabilities on demand only for Tomas products | Done |
Deployment: 07.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4361 | Product Backlog Item | Implement connector from park swiss for poi, events, tour, project | Done |
8323 | Bug | STnet logo is not imported correctly in Production | Done |
Deployment: 01.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8252 | Product Backlog Item | Add potentialAction functionality to the Content Web Component | Done |
8187 | Product Backlog Item | Set accessibility on Ginto import | Done |
8205 | Product Backlog Item | Set data classification for skipass | Done |
8241 | Bug | Fixes on SkiResort 2 | Done |
8253 | Bug | Tomas priceList dates not imported correctly | Done |
Deployment: 24.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8141 | Product Backlog Item | Merge double partner definitions | Done |
8185 | Bug | Improvements on Ski Resorts | Done |
8234 | Bug | Set target=_blank is not applied to all HTML properties | Done |
8160 | Bug | Skipass is not connected to Skiresort | Done |
Deployment: 17.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7850 | Product Backlog Item | Aleno infocenter connector (restaurants) | Done |
8155 | Bug | Skiresorts from oua are not typed correctly and merged with Skiresort from ST | Done |
8173 | Bug | Tomas product published but all availabilities is 0 | Done |
8153 | Bug | Type validation is too strict for some partners | Done |
Deployment: 10.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7987 | Product Backlog Item | Add type validation to the Get endpoints | Done |
7686 | Product Backlog Item | Remove all script attributes and tags from incoming HTML in connectors | Done |
8082 | Product Backlog Item | Set the target=_blank in all links inside HTML tags | Done |
8117 | Product Backlog Item | ZHT Tomas Bookingrate: «ZRH: Ö.Führungen 10:00» -> «10:00 Uhr» | Done |
Deployment: 03.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6108 | Product Backlog Item | Match Skiresorts from ST net with the ones delivered by outdooractive | Done |
6812 | Product Backlog Item | Remove object-links from the Link model which were replaced by other properties | Done |
8012 | Product Backlog Item | ST: Add translation for report properties of SkiResort | Done |
4840 | Product Backlog Item | Test and adjust the find similar functionality to go live with it in all connectors | Done |
7989 | Bug | Infocenter API: Remove empty objects from response | Done |
8045 | Bug | Wrong translation of Tomas Description headers | Done |
Deployment: 19.09.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7912 | Product Backlog Item | Adjustments for Data quality winter sports report | Done |
7945 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements on skiresorts | Done |
2886 | Product Backlog Item | Save personal interests in profile (Ferienprofil) | Done |
7637 | Product Backlog Item | Use tomasBookingId delivered by ZHT CMS to create relationships from the place to the product deliverd by Tomas | Done |
8008 | Bug | Do not remove empty html table tags during html cleanup for OUA | Done |
Deployment: 05.09.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7975 | Bug | Failed to set ds-state | Done |
7936 | Bug | Variant image thumbnail url has no image identifier | Done |
Deployment: 29.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7916 | Product Backlog Item | Custom response header which indicates changed id | Done |
7925 | Product Backlog Item | Extend Place Member Object with Type property | Done |
5372 | Product Backlog Item | Extend Title and Description with a Synonym map | Done |
6470 | Product Backlog Item | Ski resort: rework webcam representations and functionality | Done |
7635 | Bug | Events of the current day are not always in the search response | Done |
Deployment: 22.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7025 | Product Backlog Item | Remove useless/empty openingHours during the connector | Done |
7825 | Bug | Invalid subscription key usage for cognitive service | Done |
Deployment: 16.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7756 | Product Backlog Item | Extend Ginto ProInfirmis link with link_src=business | Done |
7791 | Bug | Set TaxRate on TOMAS products correctly | Done |
Deployment: 08.08.2022
Breaking change The property "target" of class "Link" is deprecated and will be removed soon Link
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7548 | Bug | license is not updated OUA | Done |
Deployment: 02.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7688 | Product Backlog Item | Add a category definition/version filter to all endpoints to choose between ch- and sui-category systems | Done |
7630 | Product Backlog Item | Connect standard contentdesk: Route (Tour) | Done |
7690 | Bug | categories mapping for zht missing on PROD | Done |
7635 | Bug | Events of the current day are not always in the search response | Done |
7657 | Bug | Missing Images on tomas products. | Done |
Deployment: 25.07.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6845 | Product Backlog Item | Translate type names and add translated LeafType to Vertex and use it in the search index | Done |
7661 | Bug | HTML (link) styling in description | Done |
Deployment: 19.07.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7522 | Product Backlog Item | Add priority to the mapping definitions for determine the types | Done |
4459 | Product Backlog Item | Use the category- and type-mapping definition delivered bei ZHT | Done |
7636 | Product Backlog Item | Use tomasBookingId delivered by ZHT CMS to create a potentialAction on the object | Done |
7611 | Bug | Deleted areas exists in infocenter response | Done |
60-1 & 59-2¶
Deployment: 11.07.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6750 | Product Backlog Item | Update search with a personalize mode: order-by=context-v1 | Done |
4459 | Product Backlog Item | Use the category- and type-mapping definition delivered bei ZHT | Done |
7616 | Bug | Use correct price for zht_zurichbikecard | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7535 | Bug | VertexRootNode of AudioObject has type Partner | Done |
7531 | Bug | Audio object missing in response on OUA | Done |
Deployment: 15.06.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7526 | Bug | Adjust HTML styling on GDL | Done |
7437 | Bug | Productavailabilities for Tomas are not correct | Done |
58-1 & 58-3¶
Deployment: 07.06.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7321 | Bug | Use new Outdooractive image source URL | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7190 | Product Backlog Item | Names for all creative work objects | Done |
6845 | Product Backlog Item | Translate type names and add translated LeafType to Vertex and use it in the search index | Done |
7374 | Bug | Tomas product variant identifier in upper case | Done |
Deployment: 16.05.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7312 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust Email confirmation-Guest case, service and supplier missing | Done |
7204 | Product Backlog Item | Clean HTML on all data source connectors | Done |
7048 | Product Backlog Item | Create mapping files for oua catgories for all different oua projects | Done |
6458 | Product Backlog Item | Improve exclusion of empty properties from response in all api's and mappings | Done |
7309 | Product Backlog Item | Tom Connector: use Gender instead of Salutation for traveler fields and other objecttype | Done |
6827 | Product Backlog Item | TOMAS QR codes and PDF or image for tickets | Done |
7279 | Product Backlog Item | Unpublish unavailable Tomas products and enable them once they get availabilities | Done |
The property 'Seller' in Product is no longer available.
"seller": {
"name": "**********"
Deployment: 09.05.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7178 | Product Backlog Item | Make campaignTags retrievable and facetable in infocenter API | Done |
7110 | Product Backlog Item | System test: single item download/import for outdooractive | Done |
Deployment: 02.05.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6362 | Product Backlog Item | Add translation service cache to save money on known translations | Done |
Deployment: 25.04.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6835 | Bug | Partner can not unpublish webcam | Done |
Deployment: 19.04.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7066 | Bug | Remove Empty paragraph tags | Done |
Deployment: 11.04.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6863 | Product Backlog Item | Add location to search index (infocenter) | Done |
7089 | Bug | OUA POI mapped incorrectly to Place instead of correct type | Done |
7066 | Bug | Remove Empty paragraph tags | Done |
Deployment: 05.04.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6975 | Product Backlog Item | Add translation to Facet names | Done |
6984 | Bug | CreativeWork compinedType is wrongly mapped | Done |
7021 | Bug | FacetRequest scope must not be null | Done |
6949 | Bug | Published image in civic structure is missing the identifier, but not in Photo | Done |
Deployment: 29.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7006 | Bug | Failed to retrieve image from Media Service 500 Internal Server Error | Done |
Deployment: 22.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6873 | Bug | Skieresorts: remove default value for minElevation and maxElevation | Done |
Deployment: 14.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6499 | Product Backlog Item | ZHT-CMS: Adjust the import of openingHours | Done |
6847 | Bug | Adjust VideoObject simplex model | Done |
6898 | Bug | Bug for exception when terms defintion exists twice | Done |
6893 | Bug | Ensure publish property handling during event grid messages creation | Done |
Deployment: 07.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6276 | Product Backlog Item | Add robots (indexing information) to infocenter | Done |
6292 | Product Backlog Item | Set categories on Skiresort dependent on the values we receive | Done |
6722 | Bug | Adding new additionalType MunicipalityEvent | Done |
6575 | Bug | Correct search validation message typo | Done |
6386 | Bug | Events are not assigned to PLZ and project | Done |
6666 | Bug | Outdated or deleted event still published | Done |
6714 | Bug | There are events in the search which are not available in the api | Done |
Deployment: 28.02.2022
Project is a required parameter in mostly all requests but it wasn't enforced. With this release, we'll enforce it and 400 Bad Request will be returned if the project is missing or if it is invalid
Deployment: 21.02.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6479 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements Tomas mapping | Done |
6739 | Bug | CTD Connectors System.NullReferenceException | Done |
6721 | Bug | Response Simplex objects of review are not complete | Done |
Deployment: 14.02.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6701 | Bug | Exception in PublishVertex (contentdesk) | Done |
6699 | Bug | Many contentdesk offers are missing in PROD | Done |
6702 | Bug | Remove required property on get search project parameter | Done |
Deployment: 07.02.2022
- In this release, we changed the description and disambiguatingDescription mapping for some connecters to be consistent for all connectors. In the past description and disambiguatingDescription was swapped for some connectors. After this release, the description should be the full long description and the disambiguatingDescription should be the short description if one exists. We added a flag to switch based on the project the description and disambiguatingDescription so that this change isn't a breaking change for the existing customers.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6426 | Product Backlog Item | Add Review vertex to our infocenter | Done |
6380 | Product Backlog Item | Improve stability of infocenter download connectors | Done |
5646 | Product Backlog Item | OUA connector: create rel. in planet for stage tours | Done |
6427 | Product Backlog Item | OUA connector: import tourRecommendations | Done |
6620 | Product Backlog Item | set a name and caption for all MediaObjects (attachements) | Done |
5899 | Product Backlog Item | Swap content of description and disambiguatingDescription | Done |
6568 | Bug | License set unknown on pro infirmis ginto objects | Done |
6592 | Bug | Missing properties OUA localBusiness | Done |
6627 | Bug | No mapping for MediaObject (Attachment) | Done |
6295 | Bug | Outdooractive scheduled consistency check | Done |
6593 | Bug | PriceCategoryName is added to nova_zurichcard's priceList | Done |
6569 | Bug | wrong value for geo location tomas product | Done |
Deployment: 31.01.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6524 | Bug | Null reference in AddBibliographyAsync v1 | Done |
5924 | Bug | Static Tour Image improve line design | Done |
Deployment: 25.01.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5899 | Product Backlog Item | Swap content of description and disambiguatingDescription | Done |
6450 | Bug | Duration PT0M can not be shown | Done |
Deployment: 17.01.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4629 | Product Backlog Item | Set a name for all images | Done |
6278 | Product Backlog Item | Use v2 data api to download audio/media data from outdooractive | Done |
6478 | Bug | Invalid comma separator in media bibliography | Done |
6481 | Bug | PDF service delivers wrong information | Done |
Deployment: 13.01.2022
- Hotfix infocenter API
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6495 | Bug | no facets in search results | Done |
Deployment: 12.01.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6401 | Product Backlog Item | Add item- and guestField property on the ProductVariant in partner portal | Done |
6111 | Product Backlog Item | Apply project rule for tags and combinedTypes to infocenter data | Done |
6291 | Product Backlog Item | Offers: use the author relationship as Source instead of Author | Done |
6293 | Product Backlog Item | SkiResort images: Add the additionalType of an image (mediaobject) to the partner portal and the simplex response | Done |
6248 | Bug | DateGovernance.Source relationships are missing | Done |
6421 | Bug | Do not return empty openingDays | Done |
6387 | Bug | empty properties in the product object | Done |
6274 | Bug | Ski resort: postal code value 0 | Done |
6377 | Bug | Skiresort: report should be rich text | Done |
6378 | Bug | Skiresort: wrong skipass link in partner portal -> there is no relationship between SkiResort and Product (Skipass) | Done |
Deployment: 19.12.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6365 | Product Backlog Item | add InLanguage property to ctd link | Done |
5591 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the GINTO connector to fulfill OK:GO map component requirements | Done |
6317 | Bug | Exception in GintoMap | Done |
6298 | Bug | Ski Pass: Price min/max age is missing | Done |
6283 | Bug | Ski Resorts: hasShuttlebus is not mapped | Done |
6126 | Bug | Video is not shown on partner portal | Done |
Deployment: 13.12.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5591 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the GINTO connector to fulfill OK:GO map component requirements | Done |
6226 | Bug | properties on Ski resort not translated | Done |
6214 | Bug | bikeTransportLinkPriceTable is mapped when it is not delivered | Done |
6211 | Bug | Deleted skiResort still present in infocenter | Done |
6212 | Bug | Handling HTML for SkiResorts | Done |
6281 | Bug | Not updated schedule configuration for contentdesk connector | Done |
6251 | Bug | Rawmedia files do have the wrong content type | Done |
6241 | Bug | ski resorts: empty property should not be delivered | Done |
6243 | Bug | Ski resorts: mapping webcams more than one time | Done |
49-1 / 49-2¶
Deployment: 06.12.2021
- We cleaned the combined type structure so it fits to our own specification in the Data Classification spreadsheet. Not all data will be updated at once.
- The response type of LodgingBusiness CheckinTime and CheckoutTime changes from DateTime to TimeSpan (string in the openAPI definition) because this property represents only the time.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6161 | Product Backlog Item | Contentdesk connector: Filter additional properties by family definition | Done |
6090 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the product list and search with validFrom validTo | Done |
6132 | Product Backlog Item | Make sure all images are in photo and all objects do have an image | Done |
6181 | Bug | Mapping error by GDL | Done |
6177 | Bug | Missing categories for CTD offer "Family offer with Foxtrail Davos" | Done |
4570 | Bug | some OUA stage tours don't have links to stages | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6207 | Product Backlog Item | Deliver contentdesk raw media over cdn | Done |
6234 | Bug | Exception in ChangeFeed: Missing mapping in CTD offer import | Done |
6228 | Bug | Fix Type structure in CombinedTypes | Done |
6233 | Bug | Offer validThrough date is missing in | Done |
6239 | Bug | Search offers by date does not find all offers with a price with no or only one date | Done |
6107 | Bug | Skiresorts are not assigned to categories automatically -> fix type structure | Done |
Deployment: 22.11.2021
In this release we provide the first connection to the TSO application. We created the import and the mapping for Places, Trips, Events and Offers (to Product) and connect to following instances.
- GRF - Offers including related objects
- DEMO - Places, Trips, Events, Offers (rough implementation)
Products are extended with
- offeredBy -> LocalBusiness
- areaServed -> Place
- containedInPlace -> areas
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6100 | Bug | Elevation image error | Done |
6135 | Bug | PDF Search Event Range doesn't include Events on Start Date | Done |
Deployment: 15.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6102 | Bug | Pdf search doesn't work correctly | Done |
6106 | Bug | SkiResorts are not automatically assigned to projects and regions | Done |
Deployment: 08.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5798 | Bug | PDF Search Event Range query | Done |
6075 | Bug | Print PDF issues | Done |
Deployment: 01.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6006 | Bug | Author list delivered empty | Done |
6003 | Bug | Check and improve resize image function | Done |
5977 | Bug | Remove potentialAction empty list from response | Done |
Deployment: 25.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5944 | Bug | Add http / https to all WebHomepage links | Done |
Deployment: 18.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5891 | Product Backlog Item | Support isWinter on images | Done |
5906 | Bug | Bibliography is missing in some cases | Done |
5879 | Bug | Media Service min source image size | Done |
5890 | Bug | TOMAS image import: isWinter is not set correctly and Author is missing | Done |
Deployment: 11.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5553 | Product Backlog Item | Find a Tour which leads from A to B | Done |
5876 | Bug | Invalid WebHomepage link | Done |
5851 | Bug | Remove empty containedInPlace in CreativeWork api response | Done |
Deployment: 04.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5848 | Task | Change the validation rules of project to lower case | Done |
5257 | Product Backlog Item | Add and support video and audio property to place, product and event | Done |
5836 | Bug | Simplex ContainedInPlace in infocenter API contains too many properties | Done |
5880 | Bug | Video property/object should use embedUrl instead of url and extend with DataGovernance | Done |
Deployment: 27.09.2021
Breaking change On the product object we replaced the vendor property (of type text) with the seller property (of type partner) to be compliant.
On all infocenter objects we added additional properties for video and audio files. So far they have been part of the photo collection and could not be treated correctly.
Ski resorts including their snow conditions are available as a new object with the usual endpoints in infocenter and in the search. Currently we deliver date from STnet WISPO and we will extend it step by step with more detailed and up to date information taken directly from Snowinfo and Skidata in the near future. (In the partner portal they follow with the next partner portal release.)
The search to PDF service supports now the additional parameters to set the title and the lead-text in the PDF.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5259 | Product Backlog Item | Add duration property to Event and Tour | Done |
4641 | Product Backlog Item | Experiencebank activity connector | Done |
4436 | Product Backlog Item | Move automatic project assignment from the connector to the planet and apply it when the project definition has changed (on demand) | Done |
5254 | Product Backlog Item | Shopify: Replace the vendor property by the seller (product) | Done |
5384 | Product Backlog Item | ST net snow report connector | Done |
5657 | Product Backlog Item | Stop sending Guidle Events to infocenter v1 | Done |
5614 | Bug | Disambiguating description in Pellas is only tanslated to 2 languages | Done |
5822 | Bug | Experience Bank product- Infocenter Bug in Connector | Done |
5404 | Bug | Homepage link in foodEstablishment | Done |
5530 | Bug | Mismatched Project and ContainedInPlace Mapping | Done |
5773 | Bug | NRE during qurying data from Info API | Done |
5827 | Bug | OuaToursDownloadAndMap: Null reference exception -> Duration property | Done |
Deployment: 13.09.2021
- Additional type Hotel is set on Tomas LodgingBusiness. Before no additional type was set on these objects.
Deployment: 23.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5482 | Bug | System.UriFormatException during ZHT Connector execution | Done |
Deployment: 16.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5429 | Task | Create connector | Done |
5428 | Task | Update DB models | Done |
5452 | Task | Update public docs | Done |
5503 | Bug | Media Service Bibliography Author not included if only GivenName is present | Done |
Deployment: 09.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5467 | Bug | Don't return empty Author object delivered in DataGovernance | Done |
5461 | Bug | Lot's of null reference exception in change feed (ZHT objects) | Done |
5442 | Bug | Outdooractive pictures show "unknown" in the bibliography | Done |
Deployment: 03.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5180 | Product Backlog Item | Add AdditionalType to Facet values and filter facet values by it | Done |
5405 | Product Backlog Item | Harmonize Description properties in all connecters -> support HTML | Done |
5459 | Bug | Exception while executing function: UpdateNextEventOccurrences Unable to cast object of type | Done |
5441 | Bug | GDL Event wrong schedule dates mapping | Done |
5449 | Bug | GdlEventsMap Error mapping types because of DateTime format in ParseExact | Done |
5285 | Bug | Styling imported Events | Done |
Deployment: 26.07.2021
- Requesting endpoints by id (e.g. areas/{id}) supports Select query parameter
- New property removed is added to the Vertex ResponseModel. In the usual list and get endpoints this value will always be true. This property can only be false if the identifiers property is used.
- A new query parameter identifiers is added to all list endpoints to batch query all items which are provided in the identifiers parameter. Multiple IDs can be provided separated by a comma. All items will be returned independently if they are in the provided project and if they are published or not. Depending on the project assignment and publish property the removed property will be set to true or false.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4940 | Product Backlog Item | Add api features to efficiently update locally cached data | Done |
5365 | Bug | Created and changed time from outdooractive is imported in the wrong timezone | Done |
5424 | Bug | OUA entities have empty Project array & there are missing ids from -last-ids | Done |
Deployment: 19.07.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5222 | Product Backlog Item | Translate more properties in infocenter connector | Done |
5295 | Bug | Created and LastModified seems to be swapped in gdl Datagovernance object | Done |
5293 | Bug | TSVM-ENG : there are still all conditions assigned to the project | Done |
5291 | Bug | ZhtCmsPlacesMap NullReferenceException | Done |
Deployment: 12.07.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5222 | Product Backlog Item | Translate more properties in infocenter connector | Done |
5295 | Bug | Created and LastModified seems to be swapped in gdl Datagovernance object | Done |
5293 | Bug | TSVM-ENG : there are still all conditions assigned to the project | Done |
5291 | Bug | ZhtCmsPlacesMap NullReferenceException | Done |
Deployment: 05.07.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5142 | Product Backlog Item | Add property priceInformation to product | Done |
4863 | Product Backlog Item | Add terms to shopify products | Done |
5037 | Product Backlog Item | Always add image to photo collection in all connectors | Done |
5223 | Bug | DS-AGB-guest is returned twice on manageprofile validate consent | Done |
5227 | Bug | Invalid Source Acronym is set | Done |
5198 | Bug | Investigate and fix possible problem with TranslatedDataLanguage setting | Done |
5147 | Bug | Main image is missing on shopify product | Done |
5157 | Bug | Shopify products: description is missing | Done |
Deployment: 28.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4838 | Product Backlog Item | Add additional property ouaId to the TESSVM partner and remove the hardcoded condition filter | Done |
4738 | Product Backlog Item | Add product to the infocenter api search | Done |
5000 | Product Backlog Item | Bring partner portal full text search to a user friendly behavior | Done |
4917 | Product Backlog Item | Create similarity relationships for all data above the similarity threshold | Done |
5034 | Bug | Fix GetFacetsResponses_Ok test | Done |
5191 | Bug | Open api client generators do have a problem with our openapi definition of the searchPDF get | Done |
5143 | Bug | Shopify.ProductFunctions.DownloadProductsAsync ArgumentNullException | Done |
5152 | Bug | ShopifyInventoryUpdate ArgumentNullException | Done |
5146 | Bug | ShopifyProductProjectDownload InvalidOperationException | Done |
5116 | Bug | Translation is not provided correctly by OUA | Done |
41-1 & 41-2¶
Deployment: 21.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5030 | Product Backlog Item | Improve PDF performance and validate CDN endpoints | Done |
4624 | Product Backlog Item | Update shopify inventory data in | Done |
5153 | Bug | Conditions @Id property is invalid | Done |
4963 | Bug | OUA tours not assigned to a project | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4765 | Product Backlog Item | Api Search: order by distance from current position | Done |
3350 | Product Backlog Item | Apply source project rule to infocenter data | Done |
4555 | Product Backlog Item | Create shopify products connector | Done |
4836 | Product Backlog Item | Move ShopifyMerchant to partner and support Tax | Done |
5043 | Bug | (created at) and (last modified at) have the same value. & add the time to them | Done |
5042 | Bug | ParentAdditionalType is uppercase | Done |
5014 | Bug | PDF page break: put single title to next page | Done |
4946 | Bug | Search performance not good enough | Done |
5055 | Bug | Uppercase type and additional type values in planet search | Done |
Deployment: 07.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4979 | Bug | Change the type of custom-cities from TourismArea to TourismCity | Done |
4959 | Bug | Website link is missing in OUA object | Done |
Deployment: 02.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4815 | Product Backlog Item | Add lastModifed to the api search | Done |
4941 | Bug | API search: "orderBy": "nextOccurrence asc, recurredCount asc" does not work | Done |
4937 | Bug | Event with no region are added to a project | Done |
4953 | Bug | Media service: source caption is not properly positioned | Done |
Deployment: 25.05.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4731 | Product Backlog Item | Add bibliographie automatically to the picture served by the media service | Done |
4609 | Product Backlog Item | Apply project rule for datasource to infocenter data during the connector | Done |
4481 | Product Backlog Item | Extend static map image MediaService to support other GeoShape than line | Done |
4391 | Product Backlog Item | Extend static map image MediaService with styles | Done |
3515 | Product Backlog Item | Map related data from OUA data | Done |
4636 | Product Backlog Item | Update Ginto connector with additional fields | Done |
4895 | Bug | Events without schedule are not deliverd over the api | Done |
4893 | Bug | Exception in ChangeFeed -> Planet delete gdl | Done |
4892 | Bug | Exception while executing function: ZhtCmsGastronomyMap Object reference not set to an instance of an object. | Done |
4847 | Bug | Get Lodging Business 500 Internal Server Error "Error mapping types." | Done |
4854 | Bug | Ginto DG empty license | Done |
4767 | Bug | Ginto Document empty WebHomepage Link | Done |
4775 | Bug | Infocenter Events doesn't include Tags | Done |
4596 | Bug | Infocenter Update does not handle images and DataGovernance correctly | Done |
4724 | Bug | Invalid Administrative Area Tree Open API description | Done |
4855 | Bug | Standard categories for types do not work | Done |
Deployment: 03.05.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4686 | Product Backlog Item | Change Guidle Webcam feed from GRF to | Done |
4680 | Bug | AdministrativeAreas we import from openstreetmap are missing the osm_id | Done |
4735 | Bug | Filtering the tag endpoint by partner acronym is case sensitive | Done |
4712 | Bug | OpenApi definition for infocenter update and public docs are not up to date | Done |
4721 | Bug | Tour.State is always set to "open" or "closed" but should be empty if not deliverd | Done |
Deployment: 26.04.2021
Fix the content of projects/regions where postal code areas are directly assigned to custom areas (ds_scuol, ds_viamala)
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4677 | Bug | Tours are only assigned to cities but not postal code areas | Done |
Deployment: 20.04.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4249 | Product Backlog Item | Extend order by possibilities in the infocenter search to order by created in the source system | Done |
Deployment: 20.04.2021
- We added a new property autoTranslate to all vertexes to control if the data should be automatically translated. With this property you can disable the translations of data uploaded with the infocenter update API.
- For guidle data we now store the guidle webcode intead of the id, because the webcode is used in the guidle links instead of the id.
- The tag list endpoint now supports a new query parameter usage to filter which tag types should be returned.
- The search endpoint now filters data based on the accept-language header, this means if an object isn't available in the requested language it will not be returned. It only affects objects where autoTranslate was set to false because all other objects should be automatically translated to all available languages (de, en, it, fr).
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4576 | Product Backlog Item | Activate finding duplicates for guidle and Ginto | Done |
4373 | Product Backlog Item | Add autoTranslate property to the all Vertex classes and infocenter update api | Done |
4496 | Product Backlog Item | Add guidle webcode to the additinal property instead of the id | Done |
3809 | Product Backlog Item | Add openstreetmap url or type (relation/way) to the objects (osm_id is already there) | Done |
4389 | Product Backlog Item | Add usage and partnerAcronym (subscription) filter to infocenter Tag endpoint | Done |
4590 | Product Backlog Item | Filter all search results by availableLanguage of the data | Done |
4577 | Bug | Logo present too mant times in DataGovernance | Done |
First release of v2¶
Deployment: 26.02.2021