Releases on the PROD environment¶
Deployment: 10.03.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
13250 | Bug | Wrong display of delivery address country in Zürich Card B2B Shop orders | Resolved |
13415 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust the open api definition to the newest state | Done |
13433 | Product Backlog Item | Activate Fees import Job on PROD | In Progress |
13455 | Bug | [CS-1288] Age categories are not correct | Done |
13466 | Bug | Jugendherberge Saignelégier: no french booking link | Done |
13468 | Bug | Save button is locked if user choose 'submit later' | Done |
13472 | Task | Define Birthdate as optional on the customer of Publibike card | Done |
13480 | Product Backlog Item | Add IsActive to the Ticket response | Done |
Deployment: 03.03.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
13368 | Bug | Short Assd id cause argument null exception | Done |
Deployment: 24.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8623 | Product Backlog Item | Twint available on Stripe | Done |
11115 | Task | Test Twint @ Stripe | Done |
12831 | Product Backlog Item | Change stripe payment process from manual capture to automatic | Done |
13093 | Bug | ALD some products have no prices | Done |
13281 | Bug | Skidata real life testing: existing Keycard is not booked as direct to lift | Done |
Deployment: 17.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
13243 | Product Backlog Item | Set the validFrom date to a fixed date and test several annual passes on the same card | Done |
13252 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1219] New aleno-restaurants at BSLT | Done |
Deployment: 10.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11558 | Product Backlog Item | Allow access to cancel tickets to Binarium (ZHT) | Done |
12359 | Product Backlog Item | System tests for SJH booking engine | In Review |
12926 | Bug | [CS-1177] Ticketgateway: Falscher 'price' value in Meta-Daten | Done |
12928 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1173] termsOfCancellation für Oev und Zürich Card (Bike) | Done |
Deployment: 03.02.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9251 | Product Backlog Item | Configure ALD skipass marketplace including real text and pictures | Done |
13031 | Bug | Non-Refundable prices are missing | Done |
13071 | Bug | ZHT card order fails due valuetype validation | Done |
Deployment: 20.01.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12836 | Bug | [CS-1162] Order confirmation email with Zürichcard promo voucher: Incorrect subtotal | Done |
Deployment: 13.01.2025
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12709 | Bug | Lunchgate unhandled error during order | Done |
12734 | Bug | Many table reservation of ALD fail (lunchgate) | Done |
Deployment: 22.12.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12648 | Bug | Include addressCountry in zht orders crm message | Done |
Deployment: 09.12.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9251 | Product Backlog Item | Configure ALD skipass marketplace including real text and pictures | Done |
11397 | Product Backlog Item | Neue ZH-card PROMO at SBB | Done |
12524 | Bug | NullReferenceException in InitOrderPayAsync | Done |
Deployment: 02.12.24
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12476 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1120] change of product images | Done |
Deployment: 04.11.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10168 | Product Backlog Item | Support mixed shopping basket and all partners in the E-Guma organisation | Testing |
Deployment: 28.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
12185 | Bug | direct checkout in Demo App is not working | Resolved |
Deployment: 07.10.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11987 | Bug | Resmio availabilities JsonReaderException | Done |
Deployment: 16.09.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11688 | Task | Duration and ValidUntil in Skidata | In Progress |
Deployment: 09.09.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11879 | Bug | Unable to fulfill zh card (ticket download failure) | Done |
Deployment: 26.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9254 | Product Backlog Item | Find the contact in Skidata and attach the ordered ticket to it | Done |
10855 | Product Backlog Item | Use the list of voucher providers in the current order | Done |
11597 | Product Backlog Item | Create the Registration Definition Object and make it available | In Review |
11637 | Bug | Keycard validator endpoint, infocenter & marketplace connectors must have a correct partner context when handling SwissPass and Keycards | Done |
11686 | Bug | Skidata fulfillment error: Order price is not the sum of all item prices | Done |
11756 | Product Backlog Item | Validation of a familiy -> Skidata MinSeats/MaxSeats | In Progress |
Deployment: 12.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9254 | Product Backlog Item | Find the contact in Skidata and attach the ordered ticket to it | Done |
11594 | Product Backlog Item | Go-Live with E-Guma in the SJH guest portal | Done |
11697 | Bug | [CS-1013] Table reservation availability not cached | Done |
Deployment: 05.08.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11578 | Product Backlog Item | Breaking change in SBB refund-offers | Done |
11612 | Bug | Errors on Refund order (PROD) | Done |
Deployment: 29.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11424 | Product Backlog Item | Payment Method PostFinancePay in Guestportal | Done |
11535 | Bug | [CS-1039] - Exception getting availablilities of Tomas product "Admission to Swiss Finance Museum" | Done |
11578 | Product Backlog Item | Breaking change in SBB refund-offers | Done |
Deployment: 22.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
1755 | Product Backlog Item | Basic implementation of skidata ski-tickets bookings | Done |
10431 | Bug | [CS 947] Falsche Zonen in der Albistageskarte | Done |
11442 | Bug | The order of the payment details is not correct | Done |
11487 | Task | Improve the time issue on table reservation cache | Done |
Deployment: 15.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
1755 | Product Backlog Item | Basic implementation of skidata ski-tickets bookings | Done |
9888 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the validate keycard endpoint to supports skidata keycards | Done |
Deployment: 08.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10606 | Bug | Fix Mwst rate summary in the invoice | Done |
11299 | Product Backlog Item | Availability calendar for table reservations | In Review |
Deployment: 01.07.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10396 | Product Backlog Item | Redeem vouchers in the checkout component | Done |
11349 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust the info sentence in the SJH order confirmation Mail | Done |
Deployment: 24.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10396 | Product Backlog Item | Redeem vouchers in the checkout component | Done |
11338 | Bug | Payment provider initialization problem | Done |
11349 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust the info sentence in the SJH order confirmation Mail | Done |
Deployment: 17.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8623 | Product Backlog Item | Twint available on Stripe | Done |
11006 | Product Backlog Item | Improve Stripe test and api updates | Done |
11261 | Product Backlog Item | Format E-Guma voucher Code | Done |
Deployment: 10.06.2024
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11228 | Product Backlog Item | [CS-1011] Add the available balance of a voucher to the payment Detail | Done |
Deployment: 03.06.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 27.05.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10493 | Task | replace zhcard PDF template with zhcardtest template and clean up the test product | Done |
11139 | Product Backlog Item | ZHT E-Guma: Mail adjustement | Done |
10797 | Bug | [CS-980] Storno Zürich Card B2B Shop failed | Done |
Deployment: 20.05.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 06.05.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
11026 | Bug | [CS-993] order PUT endpoint removes the payment details (vouchers) | Done |
10839 | Bug | Error in table reservation fulfillments | Done |
Deployment: 15.04.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9926 | Product Backlog Item | Endpoint to validate email | In Progress |
7225 | Product Backlog Item | Use e-guma coupons for payment during the checkout | Done |
Deployment: 02.04.2024
- General improvements
- Integration of payment provider Saferpay
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
10699 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust maxValue Error Message Checkout Component | Done |
7225 | Product Backlog Item | Use e-guma coupons for payment during the checkout | Done |
Deployment: 25.03.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 18.03.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 29.01.2024
- General improvements
Deployment: 15.01.2024
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9369 | Product Backlog Item | Control availability for OeV tickets | Done |
9663 | Bug | Table reservation fails with message mobile phone in a wrong format | Done |
Deployment: 29.12.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9927 | Bug | Order confirmation email not sent with NullReferenceException | Done |
Deployment: 18.12.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8906 | Product Backlog Item | Feratel: Infocenter connector (accomodation) | In Progress |
8904 | Product Backlog Item | Feratel: Infocenter connector (lodgingBusiness) | In Progress |
Deployment: 11.12.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9821 | Product Backlog Item | CS-869: Tomas: Availability bei gesperrten Kontingenten | Done |
9812 | Product Backlog Item | Shopify return specific no inventory error message | Done |
9677 | Product Backlog Item | Special Conditions Lunchgate are not mapped in specialConditions | Done |
Deployment: 28.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9821 | Product Backlog Item | CS-869: Tomas: Availability bei gesperrten Kontingenten | Done |
9834 | Product Backlog Item | CS-873: Zürich Card PDF: Font and Textchanges | Done |
Deployment: 20.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9766 | Task | Remove deprecated TicketValidationStatus property from response after Binarium update |
Done |
9686 | Product Backlog Item | Cancel the PTS ticket when a zh-card is cancelled | Done |
8906 | Product Backlog Item | Feratel: Infocenter connector (accomodation) | In Progress |
9685 | Product Backlog Item | Rename TicketValidationStatus to TicketVerificationStatus | Done |
Deployment: 13.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9688 | Product Backlog Item | New OeV prices 10.12.2023 | Done |
9785 | Bug | Add shopify inventory behavior | Done |
9774 | Bug | Resmio - Restaurants without automatic confirmation are not included in the table reservation feature | Done |
Deployment: 06.11.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9691 | Product Backlog Item | parent-child relations in the tickets in the partner portal order | Done |
9676 | Product Backlog Item | Partner Portal: improve picker of similar objects | Done |
9695 | Bug | ZH bikecard is not taking the daterange int account on the price | Done |
Deployment: 30.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9261 | Product Backlog Item | Register orders using a Swisspass at the Swisspass system | Done |
9260 | Product Backlog Item | Validate Keycard/Swisspass | Done |
9546 | Bug | Bugs in invoice and refund mail | Done |
9592 | Bug | Handle shopify inventory count on order process | Done |
9547 | Bug | Manual refund is blocked when it shouldn't | Done |
Deployment: 23.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9600 | Product Backlog Item | ExperienceBank: In PROD do import defined suppliers only | Done |
9261 | Product Backlog Item | Register orders using a Swisspass at the Swisspass system | Done |
9260 | Product Backlog Item | Validate Keycard/Swisspass | Done |
9661 | Bug | Error when cancelling a order -> null reference in handlebar | Done |
9642 | Bug | Experiencebank: some description is in the wrong place | Done |
9659 | Bug | zh-card PTS tickets do not contain the correct QR code | Done |
Deployment: 16.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9239 | Product Backlog Item | Documents and images in the order process | Done |
9546 | Bug | Bugs in invoice and refund mail | Done |
9592 | Bug | Handle shopify inventory count on order process | Done |
9607 | Bug | TOM-order: order fulfillment and null reference exception | Done |
Deployment: 09.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9592 | Bug | Handle shopify inventory count on order process | Done |
9607 | Bug | TOM-order: order fulfillment and null reference exception | Done |
Deployment: 02.10.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9239 | Product Backlog Item | Documents and images in the order process | In Progress |
Deployment: 25.09.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9283 | Product Backlog Item | Improve handling of ticket download failure at SBB | Done |
9520 | Bug | Looks like order does not get saved after exception in the cancel-mail sent | Done |
9525 | Bug | Refund email fails | Done |
Deployment: 18.09.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9506 | Bug | Order mail problems after new functionalities | Done |
Deployment: 11.09.2023
- General improvements
Deployment: 30.08.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9313 | Product Backlog Item | Order a Swiss Travel Pass | Done |
7697 | Product Backlog Item | Send order cancellation mails to the guest | In Progress |
9335 | Product Backlog Item | Send order refund mails to the guest | In Progress |
9437 | Bug | Add termsOfCancellation and specialConditions to the ticket | Done |
9446 | Bug | Handle new lunchgate error message res_allready_done1 | Done |
Deployment: 21.08.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9397 | Bug | Missing availabilities on some products | Done |
Deployment: 09.08.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9239 | Product Backlog Item | Documents and images in the order process | In Progress |
9333 | Product Backlog Item | Extend handling and BusinessTrail entry for mails | In Progress |
9397 | Bug | Missing availabilities on some products | Done |
9413 | Bug | Missing TicketValidationStatusText on directly confirmed table reservations | Done |
9408 | Bug | Wrong salutation address in the order invoice email | Done |
Deployment: 27.07.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9330 | Task | Adjust count for Resmio offers | Done |
9247 | Product Backlog Item | Swiss Mobility API: Improvement: Timeouts and Retry | Done |
9222 | Product Backlog Item | Add Bearer token to Tomas web service requests | Done |
9343 | Product Backlog Item | Improve handling of handlebar expressions in Aleno | New |
9275 | Bug | Empty result with 200 OK status returns if request more than 100 restaurants | Done |
Deployment: 10.07.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9271 | Task | New Feedback to the TO delivery mail after testing | Done |
9276 | Bug | Lunchgate: Customerfield required/requiredForOffers | Done |
9273 | Bug | Payment Status in table reservation orders is not correct: TransferError | Done |
Deployment: 4 7.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9163 | Product Backlog Item | Aleno connector extensions | In Progress |
8563 | Product Backlog Item | Refund payment without cancelling the order items | In Progress |
9168 | Product Backlog Item | Show TOM offerTerms in orderItem and mail | Done |
Deployment: 26.06.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9138 | Product Backlog Item | Add OrderPaymentStatus to order lists | In Progress |
9092 | Product Backlog Item | Invoice mail for Tour Operators | In Progress |
9115 | Bug | Fix ZHT OeV ticket configurations | Done |
Deployment: 15.06.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9188 | Bug | Timeshifts again: getting offers | Done |
Deployment: 30.05.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4674 | Product Backlog Item | Book experience bank activities in marketplace | Done |
9027 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the public docs with the new functionality implemented while adding experience bank (groups & add ons) | Done |
8796 | Product Backlog Item | Get availabilities for Experiencebank products for the availability cache | Done |
2815 | Bug | check handling of payment: authorization, capture and transfer when the captured value is not equal to the authorized | Done |
Deployment: 23.05.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
9045 | Bug | No available restaurants found for toubiz | Done |
9074 | Bug | Ondemand-availablity for restaurants is much too slow | Done |
Deployment: 30.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8256 | Product Backlog Item | ExperienceBank Partners onboarding | In Progress |
8991 | Product Backlog Item | Get TableReservation ID's for FoodEstablishmens using the externalAreaServed id's | Done |
8910 | Bug | Business Trail contains 2 mail sent entries on failed order | Done |
8959 | Bug | Partner portal: improvements in the invoice download view | Done |
Deployment: 24.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7241 | Product Backlog Item | Configure and support additional transportation products for ZHT | Done |
8991 | Product Backlog Item | Get TableReservation ID's for FoodEstablishmens using the externalAreaServed id's | Done |
8861 | Product Backlog Item | Resmio booking | Done |
8976 | Bug | Resmio Foodeestablishement is connected automatically to wrong Place | Done |
Deployment: 10.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8861 | Product Backlog Item | Resmio booking | Done |
Deployment: 03.04.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8866 | Product Backlog Item | Add an endpoint to retrieve the public key of the payment provider (paymentProviderInfo) | Done |
8896 | Bug | 500 if big request's payload | Done |
Deployment: 27.03.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8822 | Product Backlog Item | Add retry to table reservations | Done |
8809 | Product Backlog Item | Resmio availabilities | Done |
8820 | Product Backlog Item | Use external ids for the table reservation availability search | In Progress |
8834 | Bug | Error on Tomas order when a Mozarella is in the order | Done |
8847 | Bug | ExpBank Mapping adjustments | Done |
Deployment: 22.03.2023
- General improvements
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8869 | Product Backlog Item | Add Wallet to the payment method information | Refinement |
8780 | Product Backlog Item | Handle table reservation callback | Done |
8801 | Product Backlog Item | Stripe: manage a customers payment methods | Done |
8804 | Product Backlog Item | Use a payment-method stored with a customer for payment via the api | Done |
8835 | Bug | In some ticket representation the caption is missing | Done |
Deployment: 30.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8652 | Product Backlog Item | Add styling options to checkout component | Done |
8602 | Product Backlog Item | Adjust Allianz booking according to test by APA | Done |
8463 | Product Backlog Item | Pick the order-item Mail/UI template based on the provider fall back | Done |
8467 | Bug | DELETE orders-additionalproperty should return NotFound instead of BadRequest if the property is not found | Done |
8510 | Bug | Not found orders and tickets in the Partner portal | Done |
Deployment: 12.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7920 | Product Backlog Item | Save Newsletter registration in Tomas booking | Done |
Deployment: 05.01.2023
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8603 | Product Backlog Item | Change response code of availability endpoints | Done |
8183 | Product Backlog Item | Tomas Marketplace: Name for the booking link potential action | Done |
8596 | Bug | Marketplace action: Missing type mapping | Done |
8600 | Bug | Productavailability on demand Errors | Done |
Deployment: 30.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8593 | Bug | Get Offer DateFrom validation error | Done |
8577 | Bug | Performance PUT order | Done |
Deployment: 23.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8479 | Product Backlog Item | Add all ordered product information to the ticket | Done |
7648 | Product Backlog Item | Create order confirmation mail for | Done |
8542 | Product Backlog Item | E-Liberty: Add bookingnumber to mail and Voucher | Done |
8561 | Bug | Checkout: Edit Address: not the asked customerfields are shown | Done |
8576 | Bug | Table reservation: comment missing | Done |
8559 | Bug | TOM Ticket not shown in checkout | Done |
Deployment: 8.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8464 | Product Backlog Item | Change Aleno Restaurant onboarding | Done |
7648 | Product Backlog Item | Create order confirmation mail for | Done |
8495 | Bug | Improve Info message behavior in checkout compontent | Done |
7929 | Bug | inconsistent language presentation | Done |
Deployment: 01.12.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8360 | Product Backlog Item | Add FromName to partner | Done |
8469 | Product Backlog Item | Eliberty: rename additionalProperty.guestCard to additionalProperty.keyCard | Done |
Deployment: 2022-11-25
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8422 | Product Backlog Item | Add DELETE billing and shipping address endpoints to the marketplace service | Done |
8476 | Product Backlog Item | Generate availabilities for e-liberty products | Done |
8098 | Bug | SBB: The conversation-id must not be reused as it is already in a final state | Done |
8460 | Bug | Service-supplier section missing in ZHT order confirmation emails (PROD) | Done |
Deployment: 21.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8379 | Product Backlog Item | adjust project rules for tomas products | Done |
7853 | Product Backlog Item | Aleno table reservation connector | Done |
8365 | Bug | Missing partial inside Tomas confirmation mail | Done |
8098 | Bug | SBB: The conversation-id must not be reused as it is already in a final state | Done |
Deployment: 07.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8223 | Product Backlog Item | Add the priceCategory to the TravelerResonse and the ProductConfigurationResponse | Done |
8321 | Bug | Error if insure two travellers | Done |
8231 | Bug | Missing validation message when pass wrong count of travelers to a Tomas product creating orderItem request | Done |
8250 | Bug | The traveler price in the Tomas order updater is not set correctly | Done |
8291 | Bug | TOMAS: Error during reservation of the order-item | Done |
Deployment: 01.11.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7878 | Product Backlog Item | Offer an insurance for an order item to the guest | Done |
7879 | Product Backlog Item | Present an insurance child order item in Mail and all UI | Done |
8131 | Bug | Endless loader in case of to close webcomponents during the any request | Done |
8225 | Bug | Hide Marketing Footer if there is none | Done |
8233 | Bug | Link to the insurance description is missing in the checkout | Done |
8229 | Bug | Remove excessive divider in marketing footer | Done |
8142 | Bug | Shopping basket: Missing date | Done |
8226 | Bug | Style issues during product editing | Done |
8246 | Bug | Terms for the offered products are not included in checkout | Done |
8271 | Bug | Using the same offerbundle twice returns a http 200 instead of 400 | Done |
7831 | Bug | validation error when a strange character given name | Done |
Deployment: 24.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8104 | Product Backlog Item | Add support Tomas products into on demand availabilities | Done |
7659 | Product Backlog Item | Load all tickets of an order in one request | Done |
8203 | Bug | Wrong traveler amount in insurance order item | Done |
Deployment: 17.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7663 | Product Backlog Item | Cancel a booking on all existing connectors (all order items) | Done |
8177 | Bug | No shipping rate is found for shopify product | Done |
8139 | Bug | Traveller still esists in insurance after deleting him from parent order item | Done |
8165 | Bug | Update of shipping address in order cause an error | Done |
8164 | Bug | Validation message missing on order items with Error state | Done |
Deployment: 10.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8111 | Product Backlog Item | Add sales tax to ZH card ticket | Done |
7852 | Product Backlog Item | Foratable (lunchgate) table reservation connector | Done |
8118 | Product Backlog Item | Go live ENG: Config & Marketing-Text email template Bun Tschlin | Done |
8091 | Product Backlog Item | Public checkout component documentation | Done |
8080 | Product Backlog Item | Return order validation errors with an status code 200 instead of 400 | Done |
7847 | Product Backlog Item | Search for available tables (general functionality) | Done |
8047 | Product Backlog Item | Set price in order items whenever possible even if there are validation errors about travelers | Done |
8039 | Product Backlog Item | Show "Add to cart" instead of "continue with person" (green) in the checkout of Tomas booking if there is no additional configuration needed | Done |
8094 | Bug | Checkout / Availability: some products appear as not bookable although they are | Done |
8140 | Bug | Checkout component: find next availablity automatically not working correctly | Done |
8088 | Bug | Checkout: Add the ticket download link to the confirmation page and fix time | Done |
8089 | Bug | Confirmation mail: Missing date | Done |
8128 | Bug | Date/time selector doesn't work properly in FF and Safary | Done |
8107 | Bug | Fix typo in RequiersAdditionalConfiguration | Done |
8081 | Bug | Singular in checkout component message | Done |
8109 | Bug | The order cancel endpoint does not work anymore without a body | Done |
Deployment: 03.10.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6115 | Product Backlog Item | Improve 4tix guest card mapping | Done |
7910 | Product Backlog Item | Improve texts and docs of Error codes and error order item texts | Done |
7996 | Bug | Adjustment on validation error | Done |
8092 | Bug | Customerfields in Tomas checkout missing salutation selection | Done |
7973 | Bug | MarketplaceUrl in config instead of orderUrl | Done |
Deployment: 14.09.2022
- Bugfixes and improvements for the checkout component
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
8000 | Bug | Add in the Warenkorb button step to tomas products without the configuration step | Done |
8002 | Bug | Bad request without validation message will not be shown correctly | Done |
8003 | Bug | Fix givenName and familyName labels | Done |
8004 | Bug | Message about expired order should be shown only in the shopping cart | Done |
8001 | Bug | We should not be able to click on the “to Checkout” of orderItem validation message | Done |
Deployment: 05.09.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7968 | Bug | Add missing PaymentApiKey to the response of init payment when CreateCheckoutSession=True | Done |
7951 | Bug | Availability calendar style issue | Done |
7954 | Bug | Checkout component gets stuck after long usage of the same product only | Done |
7965 | Bug | Incorrect font in some sections/components | Done |
7904 | Bug | ProductVariantSelector total field displays wrong value | Done |
Deployment: 22.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7876 | Bug | Adjust grouping representation for order items | Done |
7875 | Bug | Adjust order item error message | Done |
7816 | Bug | Clear local state after some time of in-activity | Done |
7861 | Bug | Datepicker with three columns for the birtdate | Done |
7828 | Bug | enhance "time selector" in case no scroll mouse | Done |
7858 | Bug | Error after removing some items from the shopping cart | Done |
7786 | Bug | FulfillmentError on some orderedItems | Done |
7863 | Bug | Show product variant image if exists | Done |
Deployment: 16.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7443 | Product Backlog Item | Improved order item representation in shopping cart and mail | Done |
7730 | Bug | 400 http error during using payment webhook | Done |
7797 | Bug | Checkout Component Translation Improvements | Done |
7767 | Bug | Checkout is possible with invalid delivery address and address is not saved completely | Done |
7768 | Bug | Creditcard numbes are saved and then payment can not be processed | Done |
7765 | Bug | Edit person during checkout does not re-evaluate the validation | Done |
7790 | Bug | Fade out/hide past dates (Zurich Card). | Done |
6883 | Bug | Improve exception handling during fulfillment (NOVA koserv, PDF,..) | Done |
7739 | Bug | Orteritem created twice when to first attempt fails because of validation errors | Done |
7732 | Bug | Person/Party creation/editing missing backend error handling (not displayed) | Done |
7789 | Bug | Show variant in the product details if there is only one variant in the product | Done |
7787 | Bug | Switching showing title and description don't work in the checkout-product-variant-selector | Done |
7782 | Bug | Wrong converting dateFrom | Done |
Deployment: 02.08.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7658 | Product Backlog Item | Add order Additional Properties to the partner service and CRM model | Done |
3007 | Product Backlog Item | Add the possibility to cancel a fulfilled ZH-Card order over the B2B api | Done |
5980 | Product Backlog Item | Improve order processing by selecting the token types in the order request | Done |
7446 | Product Backlog Item | Include delivery costs and add the new properties into payment split | Done |
7709 | Bug | enhance view of errors and avoid "Empty Error Notifications" | Done |
7710 | Bug | Wrong title of the shopping cart | Done |
Deployment: 25.07.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7620 | Product Backlog Item | Go live ZH card new design | Done |
7682 | Bug | Set the correct price for zht card when ordering public bike | Done |
60-2 & 60-1¶
Deployment: 19.07.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7203 | Product Backlog Item | Add additional properties to the order | Done |
6077 | Product Backlog Item | Add timezone to order so it can be correctly used in the order mail | Done |
7617 | Product Backlog Item | Finish up ZH card 1.8 (publibike code) | Done |
6099 | Product Backlog Item | Introduction Text on Home Page | Done |
7473 | Product Backlog Item | Release 60-1 | Done |
7474 | Product Backlog Item | Release 60-2 | Done |
7542 | Product Backlog Item | Save the additional property outside of the order | Done |
6750 | Product Backlog Item | Update search with a personalize mode: order-by=context-v1 | Done |
4459 | Product Backlog Item | Use the category- and type-mapping definition delivered bei ZHT | Done |
7094 | Feature | Additional properties in an order | Done |
7221 | Feature | ZHT card 1.8 including Publibike (quick version with additionalProperty) | Done |
7640 | Bug | 500 server error when requesting deleted additional properties | Done |
7624 | Bug | Adjust publibike service to distinguish zht 72 and zht 24 products | Done |
7607 | Bug | Font size too small on Desktop Outlook | Done |
7598 | Bug | Remove automatic login refirection behavior | Done |
7605 | Bug | Some properties are missed in Crm models | Done |
7639 | Bug | sui categories are missing | Done |
7616 | Bug | Use correct price for zht_zurichbikecard | Done |
7656 | Bug | Validate age for publibike card / fix PDF | Done |
7638 | Bug | Wrong time in email/pdf of order confirmation | Done |
7612 | Bug | ZH card PDF: title, French and other small textual fixes | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7203 | Product Backlog Item | Add additional properties to the order | Done |
4459 | Product Backlog Item | Use the category- and type-mapping definition delivered bei ZHT | Done |
7616 | Bug | Use correct price for zht_zurichbikecard | Done |
Deployment: 20.06.2022
- We added logic to automatically renew expired orders if this is possible for the current product.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6673 | Product Backlog Item | Refresh an expired order | Done |
7136 | Product Backlog Item | Use OrderItemStatusText property for client communication and add error-id | Done |
7536 | Bug | The returned availability for products is not correct in the marketplace | Done |
58-1 & 58-2 & 58-3¶
Deployment: 07.06.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7192 | Product Backlog Item | add-orderItem endpoint: When an error occurs the orderItem should not be added to the order | Done |
7194 | Product Backlog Item | Breaking Changes SBB B2P API: Change at all /offers and /prebookings | Done |
7456 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the partner object with the address | Done |
7410 | Bug | Missing 'country' property for traveler | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7126 | Product Backlog Item | Add DeliveryMethod and extend shipping calculation and handling | Done |
7036 | Product Backlog Item | Display offer-terms delivered in the offer to the customer during booking | Done |
6855 | Product Backlog Item | Support short and long customer address in the checkout (Customer-Fields) | Done |
7182 | Product Backlog Item | Write the name of the source in the note in shopify | Done |
7193 | Bug | Unexpected behaviors of checkout component when coming back to website | Done |
Deployment: 16.05.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6548 | Product Backlog Item | Harmonize Geo and areaServed, offeredBy and seller on products (especially experienceBank) | Done |
7080 | Product Backlog Item | Improve the presentation of the delivery mode and cost to the guest (mail, checkout component, partner portal, my portal) | Done |
6889 | Product Backlog Item | Support special cases in vacancy requests | Done |
7266 | Bug | Order state is not updated after switching app language | Done |
7310 | Bug | Tom: System.NullReferenceException in prefulfillment | Done |
Deployment: 09.05.2022
The property underName on the ticket is obsolete and replaced by underNames which enables a list of travelers on a ticket.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7037 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the underName of ticket from detail to list and add numberOfTravelers | Done |
7191 | Bug | Additional properties are missing in Tomas ticket | Done |
7296 | Bug | Order confirmation mail: City missing in the contact | Done |
7193 | Bug | Unexpected behaviors of checkout component when coming back to website | Done |
56-2 & 56-3¶
Deployment: 09.05.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7032 | Product Backlog Item | Add TaxRate and partner for the ParcelDelivery | Done |
7130 | Bug | Product Variant Selector shows Description when disabled | Done |
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
7032 | Product Backlog Item | Add TaxRate and partner for the ParcelDelivery | Done |
7128 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements in the checkout component | Done |
7063 | Bug | App-ZH ticket import url is missing the token | Done |
7158 | Bug | Fields with required = null are not hidden | Done |
7153 | Bug | Hide empty selector in checkout component | Done |
7116 | Bug | Salutation on tomas checkout | Done |
Deployment: 11.04.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4878 | Product Backlog Item | ParcelDelivery: Add delivery costs to the order -> Shopify order improvements | Done |
7001 | Bug | exception on Order fulfillment-error mail sent | Done |
Deployment: 05.04.2022
- General improvements
Deployment: 29.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6957 | Product Backlog Item | Add ordernumber to the ticket | Done |
5324 | Product Backlog Item | Book TOMAS activities in marketplace | Done |
Deployment: 14.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6902 | Product Backlog Item | Add user Agent to B2P requests | Done |
6425 | Product Backlog Item | Breaking Changes SBB B2P API 3.10.58: Changed offer response format by March 31st, 2022: | Done |
6817 | Product Backlog Item | Checkout & Mail: Refactor the usage of Person, Billing & Deliveryaddress | Done |
Deployment: 07.03.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6856 | Bug | handle O’Connor as traveler's family/given (fix validation) | Done |
6859 | Bug | ZHT TEST Order Mail Bad Request on the old mail template | Done |
Deployment: 21.02.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6706 | Product Backlog Item | Update potentialActions | Done |
6444 | Bug | Updating orderItem result in deleting it | Done |
6677 | Bug | When creating Haslicards not all orders do contain a PDF | Done |
Deployment: 25.01.2022
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6459 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements in order process api II | Done |
6525 | Product Backlog Item | remove zones from haslicard | Done |
Deployment: 12.01.2022
- An empty order can now be created with an empty POST request and Status and currency are set by default
- The customer is not validated on the state checkout anymore, but when entering the placed state of the order. This removes validation messages which are created "too early" in a regular checkout process.
- age validation is done related to the validFrom date of the order item
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5762 | Product Backlog Item | Improvements in order process api | Done |
6335 | Bug | Link to import the ZH card into the app does not work in the mail sent by SendGrid | Done |
6392 | Bug | ZH card orders for children (validation) is not correct | Done |
Deployment: 13.12.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5611 | Product Backlog Item | Add Login-request to parent app and refresh the authorization and profile tokens from the checkout component | Done |
6240 | Product Backlog Item | Desktop designs for Checkout | Done |
6236 | Product Backlog Item | New design for terms and conditions | Done |
5065 | Product Backlog Item | Save entered guest field data in a traveler (profile) for future purpose | Done |
6123 | Bug | Remove depricated property TaxRate from the orderItem object | Done |
Deployment: 29.11.2021
- Validation messages coming from order processing endpoints were harmonized (same response model is used for all validation messages)
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6127 | Product Backlog Item | Add product detail endpoint to the marketplace service | Done |
Deployment: 22.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
6084 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the DepositGuestCard endpoint in the profile service to move B2B guest cards in a users profile | Done |
6130 | Bug | Different propertyId of itemField (zurich card) after completing of first order | Done |
6133 | Bug | There is no gender field in travel after creating orderItem | Done |
6121 | Bug | Validation of PropertyValueRequest as Guest- and itemfields requires name instead of propertyId | Done |
Deployment: 15.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5617 | Product Backlog Item | Create book-nova-direct connector | Done |
Deployment: 01.11.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5992 | Bug | No script validation is too strict and not the same everywhere | Done |
Deployment: 18.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5777 | Product Backlog Item | Implement update of travelers info | Done |
5648 | Product Backlog Item | Remove SBB minute hack | Done |
5910 | Bug | order mail: shopify product display | Done |
Deployment: 11.10.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5341 | Product Backlog Item | Add NoScriptValidation to all text properties in the profile services | Done |
5812 | Product Backlog Item | Add property "potentialAction" to support the actions concept of | Done |
5741 | Product Backlog Item | Finish order mail | Done |
5501 | Bug | Ticket price in mail seems to be hardcoded | Done |
Deployment: 03.10.2021
We did some major improvements in handling orders: So far an order was always treated as 1 object and you had to post the full thing to apply some changes. This works perfect in simple predictive scenarios. But on complex mixed shopping basket it is more appropriate to go one step after the other:
- authenticate or create a profile session as a guest
- create an order - for all follwong steps you need one
- find offers - currently not that useful because we only support products which are always available in production
- update/create order item - work with oine order item at a time without touching the rest of the order (shopping basket)
- update the cutstomer in the profiel
- update the order with the customer - simple put on /orders/{id}/customer and the customer is updated from the profile to the person
- place the order
- initialize the payment
- pay
similar process is available in B2B service as well.
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5639 | Product Backlog Item | Add an endpoint to the B2C marketplace service to initialize the updating of the customer in the order | Done |
4911 | Product Backlog Item | Add functionality to edit 1 order item at the time (marketplace service) | Done |
5476 | Product Backlog Item | Add functionality to remove 1 order item (marketplace service) | Done |
5309 | Product Backlog Item | Define a fake Ticino card and extend the ProductConfiguration with the Duration - 06.08.2021 | Done |
5265 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the externalOrder object with the shopify merchant | Done |
5335 | Product Backlog Item | Extend the product connectors with the mapping of guestFields | Done |
5327 | Product Backlog Item | Implement get offer for shopify and SBB bookings | Done |
5475 | Product Backlog Item | Swap the code mail-fork ZHT-flow <-> SendGrid | Done |
5334 | Product Backlog Item | Use Item- and guest-fields for dynamic validation when processing an order | Done |
5500 | Bug | No email sent for B2B orders | Done |
5542 | Bug | Product destination serialization issue | Done |
5498 | Bug | Property totalTaxCHF is missing | Done |
Deployment: 13.09.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5159 | Product Backlog Item | Improve SBB booking (group it, split validation/offer from booking and add external order) | Done |
5586 | Bug | Dataexport (orders in service bus) contain 3 instead of 2 price categories | Done |
Deployment: 09.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5139 | Product Backlog Item | Add the products endpoint to the B2B marketplace service | Done |
Deployment: 03.08.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4945 | Product Backlog Item | Add additional split for the Provider of the product | Done |
5439 | Product Backlog Item | Change the split logic to use transfers and invoice-items based on the partner definition instead the direction | Done |
5270 | Product Backlog Item | Control the sending of order confirmation mails by B2B and B2C | Done |
5434 | Product Backlog Item | Extend orderDownloadTraveler with Salutation | Done |
Deployment: 19.07.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5326 | Product Backlog Item | Add all ticket download possibilities to the ticket-response | Done |
5328 | Bug | Order send error in Test-V2 | Done |
Deployment: 12.07.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5275 | Bug | Incorrect date from when ordering a SBB ticket within the time 00:00 - 00:02 | Done |
Deployment: 28.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
5015 | Product Backlog Item | OrderFulfiller: Group orderitems by supplier when creating an order in the suppliers system | Done |
5167 | Bug | Shopify order: orderItem.product the name is missing | Done |
Deployment: 21.06.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4556 | Product Backlog Item | Book shopify products in marketplace | Done |
5039 | Bug | Add support or orders without travelers | Done |
Deployment: 25.05.2021
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
4647 | Product Backlog Item | Add the suppliers order-number to the transfer-split description | Done |
3650 | Product Backlog Item | Deduct fees from payouts in stripe | Done |
2955 | Product Backlog Item | Place an order as a partner without paying for it | Done |
4868 | Bug | B2B order process: pay order return 409 | Done |
4869 | Bug | B2B order process: the payment reference is not returned in the response | Done |
4871 | Bug | B2B: Fulfillment setting are missing | Done |
4900 | Bug | Exception when requesting a webcheckout for stripe | Done |
4714 | Bug | PaymentSplits are missed in database | Done |
4885 | Bug | Remove inappropriate response translation behavior for salutation | Done |
Deployment: 21.12.2020
- General improvements
Deployment: 15.12.2020
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
3723 | Product Backlog Item | GO LIVE: replace Elca by SBB | Done |
3480 | Product Backlog Item | Replace Elca/SPAS2 by SBB api | Done |
Deployment: 02.11.2020
- Bugfix related to refactoring done in September (which was never released on PROD) and improved the return codes in case of exceptions
ID | Work Item Type | Title | State |
3466 | Bug | Accept-Timezone Header default value must be "UTC" | Done |
3456 | Bug | Create businesstral entry returns 500 | Done |