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Profile and Authorization


Releases on the PROD environment


Deployment: 10.03.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
13376 Product Backlog Item Test Meldeschein changes and refresh Blocked
13389 Bug DS Profile group-member wrong date of birth Done
13396 Bug Family memeber update validation fails Done
13442 Bug VGL departure date is different after saving Done
13480 Product Backlog Item Add IsActive to the Ticket response Done


Deployment: 03.03.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
12881 Product Backlog Item Extend the roles for ALD in the Partner Portal Done


Deployment: 17.02.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
12959 Bug Arrival and departure dates are different after saving stay Done
13101 Bug AVS Ticket: the validThrough date has time 00:00 instead of 23:59 Done
13255 Bug Import of VGL guestcard by Buchungscode does not work in all languages Done


Deployment: 03.02.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
12546 Product Backlog Item VGL Form with (Login) Done
13014 Bug [CS-1182] PUT /profile/tickets/guestcard : 500 Internal Server Error Done


Deployment: 20.01.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
12640 Product Backlog Item Introduce address object In Progress
12792 Product Backlog Item Use the Guestcard product in the guest card tickets created by AVS functionalities Done


Deployment: 13.01.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
11430 Product Backlog Item VGL Import or refresh guestcard in d.s profile and/or app Done
12788 Bug null reference exception on InitStay Done


Deployment: 06.01.2025

ID Work Item Type Title State
12737 Product Backlog Item VGL registration form restriction to max 9 additional persons Done


Deployment: 22.12.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11430 Product Backlog Item VGL Import or refresh guestcard in d.s profile and/or app Done
12608 Product Backlog Item Validate age categories in registration form Done
12635 Bug VGL: Arrival and departure dates move Done


Deployment: 16.12.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
9786 Feature VGL - Glarnerland Pass + integration AVS (TSO) In Progress


Deployment: 09.12.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11581 Product Backlog Item VGL - initialize the stay by and send stay data to AVS Done
12310 Product Backlog Item Return personlization context information In Progress


Deployment: 02.12.24

ID Work Item Type Title State
12428 Bug 400 Bad Request on NotFoundError Done
12433 Bug Exception on registration forms fulfillment when there are no travelers. Done


Deployment: 25.11.24

ID Work Item Type Title State
11581 Product Backlog Item VGL - initialize the stay by and send stay data to AVS Done
12391 Bug Team name is missing in ranking Done
12394 Bug Ensure AdditionalType is copied to referenced party Done
12420 Bug NullReferenceException on Create PartnerData Done


Deployment: 18.11.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
12316 Bug Too many profile notifications with no real changes Testing


Deployment: 11.11.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
12266 Product Backlog Item Add joining challenge after first signin Done
12281 Bug Party is not deleted from the search after deletion Done
12283 Bug IdentificationLevel is not passed via profile notification service Done
12284 Bug Merge logic is not completly merging the old profile Done


Deployment: 28.10.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11921 Bug Merge of guest and profile creates duplicate objects Testing
12197 Bug Terms nordic buddy terms or not shown In Progress


Deployment: 21.10.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
12123 Bug Double Grf-Challenge API datasource in partner portal Done
12138 Bug 500 Internal Server Error on create guest token Done


Deployment: 07.10.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
12031 Bug There is no update party crm event on joining party Done
12059 Bug [CS-1091] Die Mitgliedschaft kann nicht mit diesem Benutzerkonto verwendet werden Resolved
12066 Bug [CS-1091] SJH Guestportal: Birthdate is reset and messages dissapear Done


Deployment: 07.10.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
10749 Product Backlog Item Remove correspondence email from B2C policy Testing
12001 Product Backlog Item Create specific guest merge profile crm event Done


Deployment: 16.09.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11908 Bug profileToken openApi Parameter is missing in profile solution Done


Deployment: 26.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
6193 Product Backlog Item Define guest stay in profile service Done
11651 Bug [CS-1051] OTP Code is invalid Done


Deployment: 19.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
6193 Product Backlog Item Define guest stay in profile service Done


Deployment: 12.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11634 Product Backlog Item Change Card objects from partner profile objects to shared one Done
11642 Bug User invite creates new profile for every new invitation on same email Testing


Deployment: 05.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11587 Product Backlog Item Replace role emails Testing


Deployment: 29.07.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11567 Bug Missing origin in newly added media objects Done


Deployment: 15.07.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11428 Product Backlog Item Add a partnerData Patch endpoint Done


Deployment: 24.06.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11316 Bug FAQ is not working anymore Resolved


Deployment: 06.05.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 02.04.2024

  • General improvements
  • OTP authentication = Login using a Code sent to the users E-Mail address


Deployment: 25.03.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10399 Bug Second delete on PartnerData returns Internal Server Error Done


Deployment: 18.03.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 12.02.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 29.01.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 15.01.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 29.12.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 28.11.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9692 Product Backlog Item Add DS-AGB-guest terms only if there are no customer terms Done


Deployment: 20.11.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9692 Product Backlog Item Add DS-AGB-guest terms only if there are no customer terms Done
9649 Product Backlog Item Create swisspass keycard validation endpoint Done


Deployment: 30.10.2023

  • We remove the unused property hasProfileImage from the me enpoint. If the user has an image then it is directly visible by the profileImage property.


Deployment: 02.10.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 25.09.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 18.09.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9522 Bug 4tix Certificate error Done


Deployment: 11.09.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9240 Product Backlog Item Manage Cards in the profile In Progress


Deployment: 10.07.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 4 7.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9209 Bug Table reservation error handling and phone number validation Done


Deployment: 26.06.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9212 Bug GET profile/me throws NullReferenceException Done


Deployment: 30.05.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State


Deployment: 23.05.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9037 Bug Partner Origin is missing after sign-up with role Done


Deployment: 24.04.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8985 Product Backlog Item Add worksForName to Person In Progress


Deployment: 22.03.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 30.01.2023

ID Work Item Type Title State
8594 Product Backlog Item Update Phone validation to use Done
8608 Bug Server Error during deposit internal 4tix guestcard Done


Deployment: 19.01.2023

ID Work Item Type Title State
8643 Bug PUT categoryScoringProfile fails if profile doesn't exists yet Done


Deployment: 23.12.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6738 Product Backlog Item Use personal interests from profile in the search Done
8560 Bug Error 500 on the PUT /me endpoint Done


Deployment: 15.12.2022

  • General improvements


Deployment: 8.12.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8502 Bug User is not set to verified after registration Done


Deployment: 01.11.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8274 Product Backlog Item Add orderTokenName to the CRM export model Done


Deployment: 17.10.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8056 Product Backlog Item Add Azure B2C policy without email verification Done


Deployment: 03.10.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8056 Product Backlog Item Add Azure B2C policy without email verification Done
1770 Product Backlog Item Collect garbage in profile: remove abandoned guest profiles and orders Done
7982 Product Backlog Item Configure new guest card for Val Müstair Done
7966 Bug Null Reference Exception in Deposite Guest Card Done


Deployment: 22.08.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
5993 Product Backlog Item Add a businesstrail entry when an account is merged and check other actions in the Auth and ticket-function Done


Deployment: 08.08.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6888 Product Backlog Item Extract partner acronym from the app id instead of the flow query parameter Done
7736 Bug Person not in backup during profile deletion and wrong path for backups Done


Deployment: 02.08.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7701 Bug Patch without the e-mail address removes the email from the person Done


Deployment: 11.07.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7605 Bug Some properties are missed in Crm models Done


Deployment: 23.05.2022

  • We have added the option to share a partnerData object so that for example a user can share his list of favourites with another user. | ID | Work Item Type | Title | State | |---|---|---|---| | 7195 | Product Backlog Item | Share partnerData from one guest to another within the same partner | Done |


Deployment: 05.04.2022

  • The Person response contains a new property HasPrivateEmail which indicates if the person has a private email address. If you want to send emails to a person with a private email address then your sender address needs to be registered on our side. Currently, this can only happen for users with an apple identity.


Deployment: 29.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6755 Product Backlog Item Extend the Person with the identity issuer information Done
7011 Bug Email verification is not executed when the email is changed via API Done


Deployment: 22.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6945 Bug 500 Internal Server Error PATCH /profile/v1/me Done


Deployment: 14.03.2022

  • We added a new endpiont me\verify\email to resend the account verification email in case the account is in state EmailNotVerified


Deployment: 07.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6611 Product Backlog Item Extend profile with email verification Done


Deployment: 21.02.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6547 Bug Slow Sign-In Done


Deployment: 14.02.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6676 Bug Harmonize 'salutation' representation in party Done
6413 Bug ProfileService API returns 500 on invalid date-time format Done


Deployment: 07.02.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
1767 Product Backlog Item Ensure access control to content by partner (row level) Done
5844 Product Backlog Item Restrict access to shared profile data in profile service to explicitly shared data Done
6519 Bug Get works without correct permission Done
5994 Bug Giving a new partner access to existing shared objects does not work Done
6637 Bug Origin is not correctly created during sign in with a new partner Done
6636 Bug Ticket Status is missing in ticket details response Done


Deployment: 25.01.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6504 Bug DateTime formatter handler throwing an exeption Done


Deployment: 17.01.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6491 Bug 4tix Zip Code parsing error Done
6500 Bug Default scope in profiles ticket-list does not include future tickets Done
6489 Bug Internal Server Error on assign role if ds_iam role permission is missing Done


Deployment: 12.1.2022

  • The Email can be updated on all profiles now. This is updating the cummunication E-Mail address but not the one used for authentication (login)
ID Work Item Type Title State
6443 Bug AlternateName can't be changed Done


Deployment: 19.12.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6369 Bug Exceptions during deposit 4tix Guest Card Done
6356 Bug User is created twice after invitation Done


Deployment: 13.12.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6280 Bug NullReferenceException in 4tix DepositGuestCard Done


Deployment: 06.12.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6238 Bug 4tix Ticket can't be added Done
6222 Bug Merge profile returns 500 Internal Server Error Done


Deployment: 22.11.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6119 Bug Accept-Language Header OpenAPI Parameter is missing Done
6145 Bug Name is not set in 4tix tickets Done
6131 Bug Validation messages don't contain property info Done
6104 Bug Wrong time format in some seldon SBB api requests (sent by us) Done


Deployment: 15.11.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6093 Bug Accepting the terms and conditions in the order is still NOT ignoring the upper/lower-case Done


Deployment: 08.11.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5712 Product Backlog Item Add 4tix guest card to profile by api Done
6092 Bug Failed to upload image Done
6072 Bug Fix time in order mail and spontastic phone number Done


Deployment: 03.10.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5395 Product Backlog Item Improve the profile picture processing Done
1752 Product Backlog Item Row-based access control v1: add DataGovernance to profile data Done
5337 Product Backlog Item The access control for partners to profile data is changed from the partnerAcronym property to the DataGovernance Done
5543 Product Backlog Item Try resolve role SourceId additional property Done
5660 Bug Adjust response models in profile services Done
5813 Bug create order item with wrong number saves the wrong number Done
5610 Bug Profile Token with Bearer Scheme returns 401 Done
5641 Bug Ticket download link is not working in the SendGrid fullfillment email Done


Deployment: 05.07.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5119 Bug Partner Terms should be displayed first Done


Deployment: 28.06.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5140 Bug OrderDownload Ticket Html Token not found Done

40-2 & 41-2

Deployment: 21.06.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5121 Bug Orderdownload in profile service is throwing an exception (500) Done
5077 Bug OrderFlowRequest mapping issues Done
5122 Bug Ordersender: the time in the order mail is UTC instead of swiss time Done
ID Work Item Type Title State
4770 Product Backlog Item Add reduction and preferredLanguage property to Person Done
4990 Bug Accept Term Version 400 Bad Request Done
4901 Bug profile / orderinfos function Accept-Timezone is not applied to all dates Done


Deployment: 25.05.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
4786 Product Backlog Item Extend Party Traveler with Identifier Done
4828 Product Backlog Item Extend the accept-timezone functionality to accept IANA timezones Done
4822 Product Backlog Item Extend the order download model (service bus) Done
4571 Product Backlog Item Profile business trail endpoint Done
3733 Bug profile / orderinfos function does not support the Header Accept-Timezone Done
4885 Bug Remove inappropriate response translation behavior for salutation Done


Deployment: 15.02.2021

  • Profile service email validation was adjusted to match the B2C local account sign up email validation


Deployment: 21.12.2020

  • General improvements


Deployment: 15.12.2020

  • General improvements


Deployment: 15.12.2020

ID Work Item Type Title State
3393 Product Backlog Item Add additionalProperty to the traveler Done
3677 Bug If the request is in a way that it can't be deserialized directly tothe object server returns http 500 instead of BadRequest Done


Deployment: 15.12.2020

ID Work Item Type Title State
3455 Bug Partnerdata names must not be unique over all data just for each partner Done


Deployment: 15.12.2020

ID Work Item Type Title State
3455 Bug Partnerdata names must not be unique over all data just for each partner Done


Deployment: 02.11.2020

  • Bugfix related to refactoring done in September (which was never released on PROD) and improved the return codes in case of exceptions
ID Work Item Type Title State
3466 Bug Accept-Timezone Header default value must be "UTC" Done
3456 Bug Create businesstral entry returns 500 Done