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Search api overview

Search api as part of the Infocenter is designed to speed up database searches. We are using Azure Cognitive Search

There are GET and POST endpoints for search.

Sample application

You can see search in sample application:

Search request

Parameter Type Description
searchText string Optional. Search for contained string by the searchable fields
searchFields string Optional. When name of fields are specified as a comma separated string (e.g. "name, description, address/name") then only the selected fields will be used for searching.
select string Optional. When name of fields are specified as a comma separated string (e.g. "name, description, @id, address") then only the selected fields will be returned.
filters string[] Optional. Odata strings for filters
currentPage int Optional. By default equal 1. Determines which page of results to return in the response. Note: see limitations below the table
resultsPerPage int Optional. By default equal 10 for regular request and 50 for pdf request. Determines how many results are in response
orderBy string Optional. Determines name of field by which result will be ordered
facets FacetRequest[] Optional. List of facets which will be in the response
scoringTags string[] Optional. List of tags which will be used for scoring (Beta) of results in the response
scoringReferencePoint string Optional. Coordinates of point in format 'Longitude,Latitude' (e.g.: 8.5172912,47.5722339) which will be used for scoring by distance


There is a limitation for currentPage parameter - the product of the currentPage and resultsPerPage parameters must not exceed 100000


If resultsPerPage less than 1 then default value will be applied.


For pagination better use orderBy parameter to avoid duplicates in the result. For example order by identifier.

Custom filter properties

Parameter Type Description
datasource string[] Optional. List of datasources to filter by (with OR condition).
project string[] Optional. List of projects to filter by (with OR condition).
sourcePartner string[] Optional. List of source partners acronyms to filter by (with OR condition).
sourceId string[] Optional. List of source ids to filter by (with OR condition).
category string[] Optional. List of categories to filter by (with OR condition).
allTag string[] Optional. List of tags to filter by (with OR condition).
profileTag string[] Optional. List of profile tags to filter by (with OR condition).
campaignTag string[] Optional. List of campaign tags to filter by (with OR condition).
location string[] Optional. List of location ids to filter by (with OR condition).
award string[] Optional. List of award ids to filter by (with OR condition).
action string[] Optional. List of action to filter by (with OR condition). Possible values: OrderActionWeb, RegisterActionWeb and OrderActionDsMarket.

Facets filter properties

For filtering by facets it is necessary to use property filterPropertyName from Search facet response as a request property name. These filter properties are optional.

List of available facets filters

facet name filter property name filter value type description
address/addressLocality addressLocality string[]
address/postalCode addressPostalCode string[]
tag tag string[] List of common tags. Profile and Campaign tags were not included.
campaignTag campaignTag string[] List of campaign tags.
categoryTree categoryTree string[] represent category tree list. For getting full list of categories don't forget to set big enough value for count property in facet request
containedInPlace/id containedInPlace string[]
time time int[]
length length double[] Length of tour
state state string[]
rating/condition ratingСondition int[]
rating/difficulty ratingDifficulty int[]
elevation/ascent elevationAscent int[]
elevation/descent elevationDescent int[]
elevation/minAltitude elevationMinAltitude int[]
elevation/maxAltitude elevationMaxAltitude int[]
season season string[]
type type string[]
combinedType combinedType string[] represent array containing data from parentType and parentAdditionalType properties
combinedTypeTree combinedTypeTree string[] represent array containing tree data from parentType and parentAdditionalType properties
leafType leafType string[] contains additionalType or type
sourcePartner sourcePartner string[] contains list of source partner acronyms


Default value


Language: Based on the Accept-Language header localized properties are translated. Search language is based on this header as well (e.g. for de-CH it will search only in german translations if the translation is available for this porperty.

Search response

Any search response contains list of possible filters and total number of results matching current query.

Property name Type Description
count int (nullable) actual count of results in actual query but not count possible results
values SearchValueResponse[] paged count of results by query
facets {string, SearchFacetResponse}[] Dictionary of facets by the query. Where the key is a string with name of facets from azure search, and the value is SearchFacetResponse

Search index definition

Property name Type Retrieve Search Filter Facet Sort
datasource string[] + +
project string[] +
type string + + +
combinedType string[] + +
combinedTypeTree string[] + +
leafType string + + +
additionalType string + +
identifier string + +
@id string +
address(/addressLocality) object(string) + + + +
address/postalCode object(string) + + +
address/addressRegion object(string) + +
address/(name/{de/en/fr/it}) object(string) + +
address/addressLine object(string) + +
address/streetAddress object(string) + +
geo GeographyPoint + +
geoDestination GeographyPoint + +
geoJson string +
name/{de/en/fr/it} string + + +
description/{de/en/fr/it} string +
disambiguatingDescription/{de/en/fr/it} string + +
openingHours string + +
schedule(/byDay) string[] + +
schedule(/startDate) dateTimeOffset + +
schedule(/endDate) dateTimeOffset + +
schedule(/startTime) string + +
schedule(/endTime) string + +
additionalProperty string +
image ImageObject +
tag string[] + +
campaignTag string[] + + +
profileTag string[] +
allTag string[] +
category string[] + +
categoryName/{de/en/fr/it} string +
categoryTree string[] + +
suiCategoryTree string[] + +
containedInPlace(/id) object[] + +
dataGovernance DataGovernance +
ouaId int +
time int + + + +
length double + + + +
state string + + +
rating(/condition) object(int) + + +
rating(/difficulty) object(int) + + + +
elevation(/ascent) object(int) + + + +
elevation(/descent) object(int) + + +
elevation(/minAltitude) object(int) + + +
elevation(/maxAltitude) object(int) + + +
season string[] + +
sourcePartner string[] + +
link Link[] +
recurredCount int + +
nextOccurrence dateTimeOffset + + +
translatedDataLanguage string[] +
availableDataLanguage string[] +
created dateTime +
sourceId string[] + +
ticketingContact/{de/en/fr/it} string + +
priceInformation/{de/en/fr/it} string +
organizer string +
lastModified dateTime + +
hasReview string + +
location string + +
hasGeoShape boolean +
award string + +
potentialAction string[] +
action string[] +
starRating(/name) object(string) +
starRating(/ratingValue) object(double) + +
starRating(/additionalType) object(string) +
starRating(/authorName) object(string) +
starRating(/superior) object(boolean) +
starRating(/garni) object(boolean) +
starRating(/imageUrl) object(string) +
priceRange string[] +


{de/en/fr/it} - means that this property is available on the different languages


Type definition object(string) for properties like address(/addressLocality) means that type of address is object and type of /addressLocality property is string.


The description in the response is obsolete and not officially retrievable anymore. it is only retrievable out of backward compatibility and contains the disambiguatingDescription.


There is a possibility to use text search in search api. Read more about searching here


Search api supports filtering by exact fields of the search model. Read more about filtering here

Filtering by availability

For configured productsm the search api supports filtering by availability. Read more about filtering by availability here


There are facets in response which can be used for filtering and more. Read more about facets here

Selecting of fields for result

It is possible to specify which fields should be returned in the response. Read more about selecting fields here


The objects in the response are ordered by default according to the search score. However, the ordering can be influenced by the search request parameter orderBy the field name and the ordering type (asc or desc).

The following fields are enabled for ordering:

  • address/addressLocality
  • recurredCount
  • identifier
  • type
  • time
  • length
  • rating/difficulty
  • additionalType
  • name/de
  • name/en
  • name/fr
  • name/it
  • elevation/ascent
  • nextOccurrence
  • created
  • starRating/ratingValue
  • priceRange

Additionally the term search.score() and a valid geo distance term e.g. geo.distance(geo, geography'POINT(8.185059 47.387525)') can be used in the orderBy parameter. The order by terms are case sensitive.

Event ordering

Search definition contains 2 properties to simplify event order experience.

These properties are:

  • nextOccurrence - contains the date and time of the next occurrence of event.
  • recurredCount - contains the number of repetitions of the event with one week frequency.

When it is necessary to move single-repetition events to the top of results, and simultaneously order all events by date, it is easy to use the search request parameter orderBy and order by properties mentioned above.

Sample of events ordering

Order by date first and then by repetition number.



    "select": "nextOccurrence,recurredCount",
    "orderBy": "nextOccurrence asc, recurredCount asc"
"values": [
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-22T13:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 4151
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-22T13:30:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 17
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-22T14:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 9
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-22T14:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 17
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-22T14:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 18

Order by repetition number first and then by date



    "select": "nextOccurrence,recurredCount",
    "orderBy": "recurredCount asc, nextOccurrence asc"
"values": [
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-23T08:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 1
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-23T10:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 1
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-23T13:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 1
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-23T15:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 1
        "nextOccurrence": "2021-03-24T00:00:00+00:00",
        "recurredCount": 1

Order by name alphabetically and ascending



    "select": "identifier,type,name",
    "orderBy": "name/en asc",
"values": [
        "identifier": "eve_wt1_idgddhadi",
        "type": "Event",
        "name": "47. SIMM - Swiss International Mountain Marathon 2022"
        "identifier": "eve_wt1_icacecidi",
        "type": "Event",
        "name": "ACLA: Texturen von Marcus Maeder in Tenna"
        "identifier": "eve_wt1_hbddgchfi",
        "type": "Event",
        "name": "Animals dalla muntogna in Brigels"
        "identifier": "eve_wt1_icfhchiai",
        "type": "Event",
        "name": "Après-Ski mit DJ Mags in Brigels"
        "identifier": "eve_wt1_hcbhjfgbd",
        "type": "Event",
        "name": "Bike Marathon Lumnezia"

Potential action filtering

For filtering by potentialAction use action filter. Possible filter values

  1. OrderActionWeb. Object has booking link.
  2. OrderActionDsMarket. Object is bookable via
  3. RegisterActionWeb. Object has registration link.

There are 2 filtering options: directly use the action property or use the filters property.

    "select": "identifier,type,potentialAction",
    "action": ["OrderActionWeb"]
    "select": "identifier,type,potentialAction",
    "filters": ["action/any(a: a eq 'OrderActionWeb')"]

  "identifier": "tom_tds00020012422399480",
  "type": "Product",
  "potentialAction": [
    "additionalType": "OrderAction",
    "target": [
      "type": "Web",
      "urlTemplate": ""
    "name": "Zürich Tourismus"
    "additionalType": "OrderAction",
    "target": [
      "type": "DsMarket",
      "additionalType": "Offers"
      "type": "DsMarket",
      "additionalType": "Availability"

Personalization scoring (Beta)

It is available to prioritize results of the search by profile tags using scoringTags request parameter.

When scoringTags have values in the request, all values in response with profile tags equal to values from scoringTags will be moved to the top of search results.

How to use




    "scoringTags": ["profile-sport-1", "profile-sport-3"]

Distance scoring

It is available to prioritize results of the search by distance between selected point and geo property of result objects using scoringReferencePoint request parameter.


Ordering of result from the nearest point to the farthest is applied only for objects distance to which, from selected point, are less then 100km.

How to use




    "scoringReferencePoint": "8.5172912,47.5722339"

How to get results in PDF

It is possible to get pdf with any regular search request. For that it is necessary to use a special endpoint: /search/pdf/{project}/{template}

How to use




    "type": ["Event"]

Read more about pdf result here.