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Name Type Description
acronym string Acronym/code of the registration definition
name Multilingual string name in different languages (to display in the form)
productIdentifier string the product which is used to validate the guest categories and to create a ticket (guest card) (The additionalType “ageCategory” in the FieldDefinitionTranslated indicates that that field is an age category to be validated)
baseUrl string url of card api
description Multilingual string description in different languages (to display in the form)
logo url string logo of the organization
stayField FieldDefinition fields where values must/should be added to the stay
customerField FieldDefinition fields where values must/should be added to the customer
travelerField FieldDefinition fields where values must/should be added to the single travelers
travelerGroupField FieldDefinition fields where values must/should be added to the traveler groups
@id string
partnerAcronym string Acronym/code for the partner
createdDateTime date-time
lastModified date-time
lastModifiedBy string
createdBySubscription string
lastModifiedBySubscription string