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Sitios is currently changing the API and the old GintoResource is not valid anymore and the accessibility information is currently not available on most of the objects anymore. The new approach and API should be available in the autumn again.

We check the accessibility for all objects provided by the OK:GO project.

We use 5 predefined accessibility profiles:

  • Active wheelchair (Aktivrollstuhl)
  • No limitations (Keine Einschränkung)
  • E-wheelchair (E-Rollstuhl)
  • Stroller (Kinderwagen)
  • Scewo BRO

We use the Ginto service to check the accessibility level for each of these profiles and add the main resulting information to the object as
- a list of Accessibility objects and
- corresponding tags.

Possible accessibility leves (grade):

  • 0 - Accessibility unknown
  • 1 - Fully accessible
  • 2 - Partially accessible
  • 3 - Poorly accessible

Based on this accessibility information the following tags are added to the objects:

  • accessibility-wheelchair-accessible
  • accessibility-wheelchair-inaccessbile
  • accessibility-suitableforperambulators

The GintoWeblink is available in the links array of the object. The GintoWeb link can be included in your website to redirect to the Detail View from ProInformis or Ginto .


    "link": [
            "url": "",
            "title": "Show accessibility information",
            "type": "GintoWeb"
    "tag": [
            "name": "rollstuhlgängig",
            "@id": "",
            "identifier": "accessibility-wheelchair-accessible"
            "name": "kinderwagengerecht",
            "@id": "",
            "identifier": "accessibility-suitableforperambulators"
            "name": "OK:GO – Selbstdeklarierte Einträge",
            "@id": "",
            "identifier": "okgo-self-declared"
            "name": "Sommer",
            "@id": "",
            "identifier": "profile-season-summer"
            "name": "Winter",
            "@id": "",
            "identifier": "profile-season-winter"
    "accessibility": [
            "ratingProfileId": 78,
            "grade": 2,
            "conformance": 81,
            "ratingProfileName": {
                "en": "Active wheelchair",
                "de": "Aktivrollstuhl",
                "fr": "Fauteuil roulant actif",
                "it": "Sedia a rotelle attiva"
            "gradeName": {
                "en": "Partially accessible",
                "de": "Teilweise zugänglich",
                "fr": "Partiellement accessible",
                "it": "Parzialmente accessibile"
            "ratingProfileId": 81,
            "grade": 1,
            "conformance": 100,
            "ratingProfileName": {
                "en": "No limitations",
                "de": "Keine Einschränkung",
                "fr": "Aucune limitation",
                "it": "Nessuna limitazione"
            "gradeName": {
                "en": "Fully accessible",
                "de": "voll zugänglich",
                "fr": "entièrement accessible",
                "it": "Completamente accessibile"
            "ratingProfileId": 79,
            "grade": 2,
            "conformance": 81,
            "ratingProfileName": {
                "en": "E-wheelchair",
                "de": "E-Rollstuhl",
                "fr": "Fauteuil roulant électrique",
                "it": "Sedia a rotelle elettronica"
            "gradeName": {
                "en": "Partially accessible",
                "de": "Teilweise zugänglich",
                "fr": "Partiellement accessible",
                "it": "Parzialmente accessibile"
            "ratingProfileId": 80,
            "grade": 1,
            "conformance": 97,
            "ratingProfileName": {
                "en": "Stroller",
                "de": "Kinderwagen",
                "fr": "Poussette",
                "it": "Passeggino"
            "gradeName": {
                "en": "Fully accessible",
                "de": "voll zugänglich",
                "fr": "entièrement accessible",
                "it": "Completamente accessibile"
            "ratingProfileId": 3951,
            "grade": 2,
            "conformance": 83,
            "ratingProfileName": {
                "en": "Scewo BRO",
                "de": "Scewo BRO",
                "fr": "Scewo BRO",
                "it": "Scewo BRO"
            "gradeName": {
                "en": "Partially accessible",
                "de": "Teilweise zugänglich",
                "fr": "Partiellement accessible",
                "it": "Parzialmente accessibile"
    "identifier": "log_wy3_gsubhjac-hies-ereu-jfsc-vcjcahehuqtd"