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Search value response

Search value response

Property name Type Description
@id string json-ld: full url to load the object (based on identifier)
datasource string[] datasources name
type string type of object
additionalType string
identifier string object id
address PostalAddress
geo GeoJson geoJson object of result
name string object name
description string obsolete, contains the disambiguatingDescription for backwards compatibility
disambiguatingDescription string object disambiguatingDescription
openingHours string opening hours of object
image ImageObject object image
dataGovernance DataGovernance data governance object
ouaId int Outdooractive id
time string tour time
state string tour state
rating TourRating
elevation TourElevation
link Link[] list of links
profileTag string[] list of tags available for scoring(Beta)
autoTranslatedData boolean indicates if the data in the current language was automatically translated
nextOccurrence dateTimeOffset contains the date and time of next occurrence of event
recurredCount int contains the number of repetition of event with one week frequency
hasReview string true or false if the object contains reviews
location string For products. Contains Id of Place where product is provided