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Name Type Description
name string Name of facet or value from filterPropertyName property that will be in the response of search (e.g. rating/condition and ratingCondition returns same facet)
responseName string Value which will be returned in the FacetResponse.Name property. If it is null then a default name will be returned for the current facet
interval string Property that represent interval borders for range response
values string Property that represent borders for range response
selectValues string[] Facet values which will be returned in the response. If selectValues is set then filterValues, values or interval can't be used. If selectValues contains values then the value of count will be equals to max int (2,147,483,647)
filterValues string[] Facet values which will be returned in the response. If filterValues is set then selectValues, values or interval can't be used. If filterValues contains values then the value of count will be equals to max int (2,147,483,647)
count integer Count of facets in the response
scope string Represent type of scope which will be used for building response. Possible values: ['all', 'parent', 'current']. Default value is current
project string[] Use this property to filter facet values by project
additionalType string[] Filter facet values by their additional type