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Profile notifications

A Partner could receive notifications for objects changes happening in so that a partner could update other systems as for example his own CRM. We're using Azure Service Bus for the profile notifications.

Currently notifications are available for

Message lock duration is set to 30 seconds and the max delivery count is 10. This means if the message will not be released or deleted within 30 seconds it will be released again. If the message was locked 10 times then it will be deleted. If the message is not processed within 14 days it will be deleted too.

The following properties were delivered with the message:

Property Type Description
identifier string object identifier
profileId string guid generated at the creation of the profile
entityName string type of the entity as described in the docs Order, OrderDownload, Person, …
eventTrigger string update, delete, fulfilled, canceled, fulfillmentError, partiallyCanceled
partner string partners which are affected
salesChannel string b2c or b2b available for Order


Examples of how the Service Bus can be integrated can be found in the Microsoft documentation.